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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. Thanks for that link, Zach! I finally uploaded my pictures from the event. You can find them here.
  2. I plan to be there! My dear friend Heidi is putting up a few of us strays at her house. And I am very used to standing on my feet for long periods of time, in or out of the cold.
  3. I saw them on Halloween and the whole band dressed as characters from The Shining. Colin even rode in on a big wheel. It was fantastic.
  4. Maudie does a great rundown of all these, so cut and pasted: 1/29/05 1/14/06 4/8/06 (there was one more on 1/28/06, but the thread was lost to a board crash) 2/17/07 2/24/07 3/3/07 1/12/08 4/5/08 4/12/08
  5. True Love Will Find You in the End This was the request that a gentleman made right after proposing to his girlfriend in the audience. It was great.
  6. Alstroemeria? (Thanks, Tamala.) I saw a lot of carnations, too. Anyway, I'm impressed it's still alive after having been outside for even five minutes. Last night was fun - nice to see the band again playing a full show. Sure, I would have liked to hear a new song or two, but I certainly can't complain. Everything got a great reaction. Opening with "Forget the Flowers" = classic. John was doing some spirited jumping throughout the show, and Pat's beard (pelt?) continues to impress. The show was a bonus for me - if I hadn't pulled up excellent seats in the "why not just try?" presal
  7. Wait, you won't be busy that night?
  8. I live in a condo, and we pay a company to plow our driveways and walks. But like Alison said, in reality, I usually have to shovel. I've already done it twice this week. We have a pretty steep communal drive leading to our respective driveways, and I have a little car. If there's too much snow and the plow hasn't come through yet, I either have to shovel a path ... or not get up the driveway. In addition, if you want it done right away when it comes to your front walk and your own driveway, then you do it yourself. I like to avoid the snow-packed-down-by-tires-that-turns-into-ice phenom
  9. Yes, Useless Creatures features Glenn and Todd Sickafoose. Ordered!
  10. Yes, tickets at the door. As for sleeping in the back, people don't exactly bring bedding and set up for the night. But if you go back there and nap for an hour or two, nobody's really going to notice.
  11. I always find it interesting when quizzes like this are posted here and everyone does staggeringly better than the average score. Not just quizzes that are supposed to test specific areas of knowledge, but even things like the color recognition test. Are the frequent posters of VC really that extraordinary? Or do people only take the tests if they think they'll do well? (And then only post about it if they do?) Probably a combination.
  12. 28 correct. But I had a really good run from numbers 11 through 31...
  13. Happy birthday, Maudie! I hope you enjoy the Donner Party tragedy!
  14. Oh good God, so it's longer than 24 hours this year? I saw ASSSSCAT at UCB Theater a couple years ago with Jello Biafra. Good stuff, but the LTS ensemble every year is just as good.
  15. That is not entirely true. I pulled up a couple in Row D. Maybe A-C weren't released?
  16. Thanks, guys! It snowed here for my birthday. There was a ten-minute blizzard around noon. Good times!
  17. Thanks a lot for reminding me that the next Harry Potter movie doesn't come out until next year.
  18. http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/results/state/#CA Still not many precincts reporting.
  19. I have three young nephews who are half African-American. They have been so excited about this election - and I don't think that, for them, Obama's race has anything to do with it. But they are a big part of why this makes me so happy. Just one reason. But a big one.
  20. There's an official video of "What Light" posted on Youtube, including speech excerpts from Feingold and Baldwin at the end.
  21. Half an hour to spare. Happy birthday to the 11/2 three!
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