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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. Crap, she's in Chicago the same night I have a ticket for Neko Case in Madison. I wish she'd come back to the Pabst. Scanning those tour dates, I predict a fantastic show at Cain's.
  2. Bridesmaiding it up Hindu-style at my best friend's wedding in NC!
  3. Chronological order! If all goes well, they will be up tomorrow. There are a lot of them! As soon as the Fleet Foxes came out with presents, I lost all photographic modesty.
  4. My pictures of Fleet Foxes and Wilco in Spokane are up now.
  5. I'm slowly working through pictures - the rest of my Boise shots can be found here. (Nice to meet you, too, Jamie!)
  6. Congratulations and welcome to little Will!
  7. I believe Laurie's daughter got a printed setlist from the stage after the show. That's what was on it.
  8. I'm in Coeur d'Alene right now and about to eat potato salad!
  9. Wow, nice setlist for a festival! Thanks for the report. Did Jeff go for "Livin' in ... Jackson Hole" during Kingpin?
  10. Donna, that is one freaking adorable puppy you've got there.
  11. When I got to the line "The inflatable turd broke the window at the children's home when it blew away..." I LOLed for real.
  12. Happy birthday, Jen! I was going to post the usual NKOTB picture and some lyrics from "Happy Birthday to You," but I figured maybe I've done that too many times now. So instead, I want you to imagine a NKOTB picture, and Jonathan singing "Happy Birthday to You."
  13. Happy birthday, Evonne! I wish you oodles of bacon, coffee, and live music this year. What more could a girl ask for? Hope to see you soon!
  14. Thanks, Tamala. I sent an email to Wilcoworld tech support. Since this has been getting some press recently, I would imagine they'd want to fix it ASAP. Could it be that the list will only populate with shows if you've signed up as a passenger or driver for them? That could be it, but it seems like an unintuitive design if so. And at any rate, the user should never see an SQL error. (I feel like I'm at work.)
  15. Well, at first I was going to ask if you saw Hixter's link. To the new Wilcoworld project designed to set people up with exactly what you're asking. However ... I just tried to test the site out, and it doesn't seem to be working. Has anyone else been able to use it? I didn't actually sign up as a passenger or driver. But when I tried to find passengers or drivers, I can't select any shows: the drop-down list doesn't exist. At least not on Safari or Firefox. ?
  16. FOREVAH! (17 days, I think) I like diving. When's diving? I stayed at the same hotel as the first Dream Team before they headed over to Barcelona. I am not sure why they were in Newark, New Jersey at the same time my family was. I was a big NBA fan at the time (age 12, my dad had company Bucks and Bulls tickets) so I was thrilled. I remember seeing a bunch of players around, and Coach K. I waited for an elevator with Michael Jordan. Actually, now that I think about it, I believe much of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston's wedding party was staying there at the same time. Crazy t
  17. It either is or isn't my birthday, too. What a coincidence! Congratulations on Lyric, Jenna. She is adorable.
  18. Jeff's onto this racket, by the way. From this Indy interview: NUVO: How many song requests do you typically take from that online form for each show? Tweedy: Well, it depends on how many people are aware of it and how much people vote in each town. Generally, I
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