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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. Crane?? Glad it was a great show. I can't wait for tomorrow!
  2. Here is the info from earlier in this thread on all of the past shows. These shows are the result of an auction for the Chicago charity Letters to Santa, which the Tweedys have been generous enough to participate in for five or six years now. For the past four years, a private show has been the main item up for bids.
  3. I hope you have a great birthday, Graham!
  4. I'm in the middle of about three books right now, but speaking of food books: This one is very cool so far. The photographs are great - any Bourdain fans (fans in that way, I mean) should check out his portrait in here. It's, um, something.
  5. Happy birthday, Tamala! I hope you get all the princesses and ponies you desire.
  6. I'm so sorry, Dunja. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care, please.
  7. Does this go for anyone? Because that's a service I'd subscribe to.
  8. Thanks, Allison! So much fun to hear that again.
  9. I saw the NP's tonight in Madison. Despite no Neko or Dan, still a very fun show. They played "Don't Bring Me Down" as the encore, and it was great. Also, "Myriad Harbour" with Will Sheff performing Dan's part:
  10. That reminds me - I listened to said CD on the way back home Sunday and it is great!
  11. 1990-1999 saw me from age 10 to age 20. These were my formative musical years! I have a 107-song 90's playlist on my iPod. I just put it on random - "Wynona's Big Brown Beaver" by Primus. Followed by "Lodi Dodi" (Snoop version), "Mama Said Knock You Out" by LL Cool J, and "More Than Words" by Extreme. Good times. Last year's big party at Hotel SnS had a 90's theme. Well, actually, it was "I Hate the 90's" - but I don't. I also don't think I have enough Tony Toni Tone in my collection.
  12. Any information about a recording will be updated in this thread. For now, please enjoy a photo of Kermit surveying the scene:
  13. Er, mostly. Still a couple of bad e's running around.
  14. Well, there would have been mutiny if he hadn't! Maudie, your sig reminds me - before playing "I'm Always in Love," Jeff said that many of Nat's tinfoil sculptures are around the Loft.
  15. I don't think that will happen.
  16. Mart also threw in a verse of "11 O'Clock Tick Tock" somewhere - I may have been the only person singing along. Here's one of the food tables (and Ryan) with a pot holder on the chandelier above:
  17. It was amazing. Jeff played "The Unwelcome Guest," with accompaniment from Dave Mirabella on guitar and Martin Rivas on vocals. I don't even know if we had as many songs as last year, but I think the show managed to go longer regardless. I'll have more to say, but I think I'm still in a dessert coma. (Or a pork cheek coma.)
  18. Due to an unfortunate water spillage-camera incident, I have photos right up until the point when Jeff started playing. The rest are just static. But I do have some pics of stardog warming up the crowd with selections from "Kids are Punny," so there's that. Thanks for the pictures, Sam! What a weekend.
  19. We celebrated last night, and this afternoon, and will celebrate a LOT more tonight ... but I'll post it here too. Happy birthday, Dave!
  20. In keeping with my recent trend of being really late, here are the rest of my pictures from Auckland: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilamya/sets/72157604476293954 The very low stage, combined with sometimes dramatic lighting, made for some interesting (if often blurry) photos.
  21. Shortly after. I've read that Union was in part inspired by his dealing with feuding families day after day.
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