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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. Didn't one or both of you guys bring brownies to that show? And I don't mean "brownies."
  2. I joined in January of 2003. I know I joined on the same day as Natalie (Saint Genevieve), and maybe also Kristina? If not, within a day or two. I think I found a link to VC from Jane's old Timeline site. I was already mildly active on a U2 message board at the time, and when I found this place I knew immediately that it would be sucking up an equal or greater amount of my time. Clearly, it's had more staying power for me. This is the only message board I check with any frequency - I visit a few other music-related boards right before or after I see concerts, but rarely post anything.
  3. Also, at the time, it felt like a lot of people were jokingly booing Jeff for insinuating that YHF was the first album they all bought. (Totally true in my case, by the way.) No matter what, I can't figure out precisely what you're hating. Don't let me stop you, though!
  4. You know, after sleeping a normal amount for a couple of nights, even my slight cold-like symptoms went away by Sunday. I dodged a bullet - maybe thanks to the strawberry potion Sooz gave me on Wednesday.
  5. Aha! Thanks. So maybe not a time issue at all.
  6. Wilco and (most of) the Blisters also performed it in 2005 at the Vic. That was fun.
  7. I wasn't at the the show, but my sources say... Sunken Treasure Remember the Mountain Bed Airline to Heaven Hesitating Beauty Muzzle of Bees You Are My Face Side With The Seeds Shot in the Arm She's a Jar Kamera Handshake Drugs At Least That's What You Said Pot Kettle Black Nothingsevergonnastandinmyway(again) Via Chicago Impossible Germany Jesus, Etc. Walken I'm the Man Who Loves You Hummingbird On and On and On ----------- Hate It Here Red-Eyed and Blue > I Got You Hoodoo Voodoo
  8. No. It's the Overture Center for the Arts, probably the fanciest place to see a concert in Madison. It sounds great, but it's very opera house-y. Wilco played there last fall. There are actually a few different venues within the Overture Center, though, and I'm not sure which one they'd be playing. Maybe by "Overture Theater" they mean the Capitol Theater? http://www.overturecenter.com/venuect.htm
  9. Wow, how did I miss that? I had received an email about the Pabst show, and I guess when I looked down the list and found one WI date I stopped looking. Madison would certainly be much handier than Milwaukee, as much as I prefer the Pabst.
  10. Ha! It's actually a (lame) joke from a couple years ago - some rental car company had a lot called "Preferred B" and that's where we picked up our car. I decided that was my rap name.
  11. Yikes! (Also, I think I told at least some people who you were.) I'm only mildly sick - slightly gravelly voice and a bit of a runny nose. I suppose I could still take a turn for the worse, but I consider myself lucky compared to most of my compatriots. Working most of the weekdays probably saved me. I owe some people big time.
  12. Maybe you two met outside after one of the shows? Wednesday? Anyway, just to confuse things, I've changed my name. But I'm glad we figured it out, Tamala ... it's always nice to know more semi-local VCers.
  13. Glenn - and heck, Bryce Desner - need to play in Madison sometime. I mean, it's almost local.
  14. This is all thanks to the Swerski impressions at the Riv, I'm sure. What a weekend that'll be - SNL and then the Ryman.
  15. I will never forget arriving at the 9:30 Club a few years ago in the cold and snow to find you already ensconced in plastic, in lawn chair out front. So I can vouch for this. Thanks so much for the pictures (I got one of you, too, like pneyu did. ) Oh, and thanks for handing me a setlist on Tuesday. I can't wait to see the band photos whenever they may go up.
  16. I put the rest of my pictures from the last night up here.
  17. I'm praying one of the photographers captured John's leap. I didn't have my camera out, but there was plenty of warning as he climbed his way up. Pure rock n roll.
  18. Normal cameras (without detachable lenses, etc.) are fine.
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