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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. My five and six-year-old nephews received a Wii tonight as a Christmas present. The six-year-old had just created his second Mii, an Asian guy with sunglasses and a goatee whom he named "chub man," as I was leaving.
  2. Thanks, Tiny Mart and Donna! I hope everyone's hearts and homes are pleasantly warm this Christmas. (Outside your doors it may be another story.)
  3. Have a wonderful birthday (and holiday), Kyle!
  4. Patti and Mart's Christmas card is the best Christmas card ever! And thanks for this thread, Maudie - and thanks to everyone posting mixes. I'm off to bolster my collection of Christmas tunes.
  5. Thanks, guys! If they can get it here in a week, I'll give them a try. Hmm, or maybe not. I don't really need two 1-lb. bags!
  6. Kate, those gifts are amazing. I wish I could make stuff like that! I did buy some of my Christmas presents this summer at the Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago (nothing like planning ahead.) I'm pretty excited about both of my parents' gifts this year - I got my dad a hefty gift certificate for some gourmet meat, which he will love. I went way overboard for my mom, kind of by accident - I didn't have a specific single large gift in mind, which is usually what I aim for. So instead I just kept accumulating smaller ones. Cute reading glasses, warm pajamas, a new wallet, the recording of h
  7. 5-day pass = $175 Wow, that's ... not a discount. I guess the handling fees may be less?
  8. My first Christmas in my first home! (That I own, I mean.)
  9. Your friends and other random chocolate chai cupcake fans... I had so many great Wilco moments in 2007. I'd try to go back methodically to remember my favorites, but it's probably better to just list what comes into my head: *Hotel SnS this year, Mart and Jeff playing "Try a Little Tenderness." Just thinking about it warms my heart all over again. Fantastic. *Marfa. The show, but also the town in general, and a road trip to Mexico and back with some excellent company. *Wilco in Davenport - the first time I'd seen the band in about seven months, and then Jeff surprised me after the
  10. This was their fifth Letters to Santa performance! Hard to believe, isn't it?
  11. No, word was that he had a family emergency. He did offer an auction item of handwritten lyrics to the song of your choice.
  12. The Hotel S'n'S show has been fantastic each and every year I've attended it (which has been three so far) but as others have pointed out, detailed discussion of each show for all the groups can be found in the VC archives. The 24-hour benefit is another highlight of every December for me, and this one was no exception. It's been five years now and I can still never quite believe I'm allowed to pay $10 for the privilege of sitting a foot away from the likes of Robbie Fulks, Sally Timms, Janet Bean, Jeff Tweedy, the Deal sisters, Steve Albini, Kelly Hogan, and the amazing cast of actors over
  13. :brow I wish they'd go back to the old setup, though.
  14. I haven't read anything mentioned recently except The Time Traveler's Wife, but I really enjoyed that one a lot.
  15. According to this article: http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics...sen_barack.html Jeff will be performing at an event for Obama at the Riviera on Friday, 12/7. Also guys from Third Eye Blind. Tickets supposed to be available from the campaign website..
  16. Looks like he'll be playing with Obama (and some guys from Third Eye Blind) at the Riv a week from today. And by "with" I mean part of the same event - though I'd love to hear reports of them all performing something together with Obama on lead vocals.
  17. Heidi, that's the best thing I've heard all day. It blew the raccoons right off my porch, even. Congratulations.
  18. Maudie, have the happiest birthday and Thanksgiving ever! I am so happy I got to celebrate with you in California and Nevada, even if we did miss "Cubby" Checker at Harrah's. I hope your day is filled with warmth and loved ones, and your choices are all about what to watch on TV and what Marie C. feast dish to sample next. Or maybe you can find one of these...
  19. It's been mentioned elsewhere, but the pastitsio is getting made tonight! It looks like this year the challenge falls to me. Mmmm. I'll let you know if mine looks anything like this...
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