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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. Say what you will about McDonalds, but I dig their salads with no chicken. Specifically the Asian (it has edamame) and the Southwestern or whatever it's called. Where I live they even have a pretty nice mix of greens. I haven't had a traditional fast food meal in forever, but is it wrong that I'm looking at the "Fast Food ads vs. Reality" site and I think the reality photos look pretty damn good, too? Yeah, it is. But oh well. Man, I could go for a squished, greasy, fatty, salty fast food burger with mystery sauces right now.
  2. Fantastic topic, Maudie. A lot of our "thankful fors" match up, too. I have so much to be thankful for this year. Not that I don't every year, but 2007 has been pretty damn good as years go. I'll just go general and say I'm thankful for my friends and my family and my health and the health of my loved ones, and being able to travel to so many places, and buy my first home, and see so much great music, and having a job that lets me do that stuff and sometimes even subsidizes it. I hope everyone here has a wonderful holiday season.
  3. Thanks, everyone! I wish I had poster-quality reproductions of the graphics that have been posted in this thread. Then my living room would be completely decorated. Thanks to everyone who was at the Hideout for the Laurie's bash last night, too - what a fun night.
  4. You really only do it because their URL is McPies.com, don't you?
  5. It's pretty much Greek lasagna. http://greekfood.about.com/od/maindishes/r/pastitsio.htm Everyone is invited to try some next week! Bring pie.
  6. In additional to the typical Thanksgiving spread (which includes ham and turkey at our house) every year we have pastitsio. My grandpa used to make it, but now my sister or my parents do the honors.
  7. I heard some familiar music on TV just now - Andrew Bird for Marriott Residence Inn! Apparently these have been around for awhile, but this was the first one I've seen. Anyway, the tour EP looks very cool. The Water Jet Cilice (which is also on the most recent Fingerlings) is one of my favorite Andrew tracks.
  8. I am all over Jon Brion in Chicago (not literally) and I can't wait. But Elvis Costello at the Showboat in Atlantic City makes me laugh because we used to vacation at the Showboat every summer when I was a kid. (Well, actually, "every summer" = "for three or four years," but it felt like every summer.) That place was so campy and awesome. I'll bet that'll be a good time. Mart, your plans sound wonderful. And although Dreamin' hasn't chimed in, her family's NYE celebration makes me jealous every year.
  9. I just said that aloud in my best Irish accent. Groan! Luckily I don't share an office.
  10. There's a Starbucks right downstairs!
  11. This will be my fifth straight year doing 24 hours at this thing, and it just keeps getting better. (I know there are a few people who have me beat.) Can't. Wait.
  12. As if you really needed yet ANOTHER reason to come, it's on my birthday!
  13. I'm running behind my 2006 books-read tally, but I soldier on.
  14. Are you standing between them and candy or something? They look so much more alike than I remember from baby photos. Twins
  15. Wow. I hope the sick band member mends as soon as possible. On one hand I am really sorry I won't get to see the shows in Milwaukee, but on the other hand I am strangely relieved, as it would have been a big time commitment on my birthday weekend and suddenly I will have more money. I'm sorry about the poster, though.
  16. Ahh The Drake! Fantastic. Trick-or-treating for my niece and nephews was Sunday. I don't have pictures of any of them in their actual costumes yet, but here are the younger twins in their Sunday regular outfits: Also, my sisters and me in 1982. I'm in the middle...
  17. It didn't work for me with Internet Explorer, but works fine with Firefox.
  18. Best wishes, Lou, for a speedy recovery.
  19. It sounds like a strain of malaria that mainly affects one's vision. Adorable dog, Mart! I miss the dogs my family had when I was growing up.
  20. Some sort of chocolate assortment (Kit-Kat, Snickers, etc.) and Halloween mini-bags of microwave popcorn.
  21. This really has nothing to do with anything, but for what it's worth, Pillowy Star is not American. Really sorry about this, guys. I hope you get some more regional dates scheduled soon.
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