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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. I have an aunt and uncle and cousins in the San Diego area, and I don't think we've heard from them yet. I hope everyone is okay. I'm definitely sending vibes to everyone involved.
  2. I'm so sorry for all the folks who were planning to attend these shows. Sometimes cancellations are inevitable, but that doesn't make them suck any less. Hopefully the rest of the dates will go ahead as planned.
  3. Holy crap! I hope they bust that out at one of the Chicago-area holiday shows whose existence currently has no basis in fact, yet people continue to speculate about because they want it to be true!
  4. Nice to see they bookended this "leg" of the tour (which I guess doesn't really finish until next weekend?) with three-encore shows. Though I guess Milwaukee's encores were sort of hard to classify. I'll bet Hoodoo Voodoo was great!
  5. Geoff Koch ... weren't you on that Damsel record?
  6. I thought I read somewhere recently that Nels is actually on a bunch of the tracks. If only I remembered where... Edit: Here we go: http://www.marinij.com/ci_7155425. It says Nels is on five of them. "After the screening, several of the musicians on the soundtrack - Wilco guitarist Nels Cline, who's featured on five tracks, John Doe, "I Think I Saw St. Augustine," and Ramblin' Jack Elliott, "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues" - performed in an ambitious and entertaining "Dylan Interpreted" concert produced by Stephanie Clarke and Clare Wasserman at the 142 Throckmorton Theatre." That would h
  7. I have some Wilco pictures up here. And one of Andrew:
  8. Awwww, after Iowa City I figured he'd be joining in for that song. Just ever so slightly painful to read about, but I'm happy for you guys!
  9. I had a great time in Kansas City, at the show and otherwise. Delicious smoked meats, fountains aplenty, four songs from A.M., fireworks, galoshes ... what's not to like?
  10. It was my first burrito night! Super carnitas ... mmmmm. The babies did well. They were very snuggly.
  11. There was also the part earlier on when T-Bone Burnett brought out friends including Neko Case and John Mellencamp, and they ended the set with a big "Pink Houses" jam. Here's the one picture I took during Jeff's set: He sang "Someone Else's Song" in a higher register than he's done recently (that I've heard, anyway) - I enjoyed it very much.
  12. Today was lovely, but kind of chilly! Los Angeles will be so much warmer...
  13. The sound problems continued tonight in Madison, but I think Ryan dealt with it better than it sounds like he did in Minneapolis. He and the band mostly seemed in good spirits when Ryan wasn't kicking the monitors. He talked to the audience a lot, and seemed to be pretty hard on the Minneapolis audience from last night. I think the sound was better in Milwaukee, but I liked the Madison show a little more. It was really good, I thought, and relatively long. They definitely rocked out more than they did in Milwaukee. I also enjoyed the GA aspect of this show (and the fact that it was at th
  14. Nice story, Leo! I don't think they had the Milwaukee posters in Milwaukee - I heard they were supposed to be on sale through the Ryan Adams website, but all the posters I see on there are through August. I hope they have one in Madison tomorrow. I took some photos in Milwaukee - The set is here.
  15. Last summer I went on a Maritimes trip, seeing Wilco in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick as well as doing some sight-seeing, and then heading to Prince Edward Island for a few days. I loved it all, but PEI was amazing. Being a longtime L.M. Montgomery fan probably made it even better, but the scenery and atmosphere were beautiful in a way that's difficult to explain. I've been to a lot of fascinating places but the most unique were probably northern Sweden and Siberia. I camped for a few days in Lapland with friends during the summer of 2000. Lying in your tent near a river above the Arctic
  16. Oh, now I feel dumb because I've been there. My photos weren't nearly so lovely, though.
  17. Happy birthday, Nat! You birthin' any other babies today?
  18. Oh, the birthday boy will be thrilled to hear that, I'm sure! Yes, it is for Ryan. I actually saw him last night in Milwaukee, too. Really good show, but it started 45 minutes late. Is that typical too, or was it a special present for Milwaukee? With a drive ahead of me, it was annoying.
  19. Weeee! I'll see you Friday - and I might have some DVDs with me.
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