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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Congratulations, Sarah. From what you've posted about your BF/soon-to-be-hubby, it sounds like you're in for a happy life. He does sweet things for you and you appreciate them--what could be nicer? I love what everyone on here has posted, especially because I haven't seen even one Bridezilla kind of story. So I'll take it down a notch. . . . I was married many, many years ago (didn't last) and we did a cheap-ass version of the traditional church wedding with maybe 150 guests, including a crummy booze-free reception in the church social hall with peanuts and punch. OK, it wasn't QUITE that b
  2. FWIW, the early buzz was June 24-26, and that's still what some local hotels seem to think might be the case. I've got reservations (cancellable) just in case that turns out to be The Weekend.
  3. Not a peep. There was that somewhat discouraging sounding statement from Jeff during the British interview (I forget the details) where he said something about they hadn't made up their minds about 2012 yet but that if they didn't do it then they would definitely do it the following year. That sounded like both good news and bad news, but of course maybe they're still just wrangling about dates for 2012. I'm sure hoping for good news, but I don't know. . . .
  4. I had just recently moved to Tallahassee when they played there in 2006, and I was shocked that they didn't sell out a pretty small venue there (The Moon). It was mid-week, I believe, but still I thought it was really weird. Turned out to be a terrific show, though--seemed like they had something to prove, and they had the crowd eating out of their hands by the end. I got out of FLA in 2008.
  5. i thought maybe i was the only one who'd never seen this. It was just great. I loved all of it, especially Laminated Cat and all those scenes at home, What an intimate , low key film. A real gem.
  6. And what an uninformed put-down as well. Look what he did for the resurgence of Mavis's career. Kind of two ends of the spectrum--a seasoned soul legend in need of a little career oomph, and some (possibly--I don't really know) up and coming kids in need of a simpatico music guidance counselor. It could work!
  7. Lest anyone take this seriously, that comment was made by some random person who has appropriated the name Jeff Tweedy. You probably knew that, but just in case it's not clear to everyone, when you follow the link there's a lot of kinda stupid comments that I don't think would be coming out of "our" Jeff's mouth.
  8. It's very sad to lose a pet you've had for so long. He was a beautiful kitty, too--I love his expression on Adult Head. R.I.P., Cutty.
  9. Yeah, those of us who are not lucky enough to live near major metropolitan areas are used to having to travel to see Wilco. I consider anything that's within a 4 or 5 hour drive to be within my range for seeing this band. But I do empathize with the southern FLA people in particular, since it's a 4 hour drive to just get up to the "mainland." I still think that there will be some kind of an east coast tour announced soon. And I'm hoping beyond hope for another Solid Sound this summer.
  10. Some interesting comments, I thought--especially when Jeff says that he and John aren't the virtuosos in the band. I assume he's implying that the virtuosos are Nels and Glenn, and maybe Pat? I liked how the tone of the article, and the video of the interview, had John sort of on an equal footing with Jeff. Sweet.
  11. Oh man, what a setlist. Sounds like a great show. It's been too long since I heard Misunderstood, and She's a Jar is always a treat.
  12. You've read "Learning How to Die" by Greg Kot, right? It does go into the making of this album a bit, but it's far from comprehensive. Still, just in case you missed reading this book, I definitely recommend it. It has its flaws, but you'll learn a lot about the band up to Summerteeth.
  13. http://www.npr.org/2011/11/11/142230949/wilco-small-moments-and-big-lessons Kind of an ironic choice for a day when we're turning it up to 11! And the writer gets the first line wrong "This is how I tell him. . . " Still, a nice tribute.
  14. You are so right. I just got a new pair of headphones yesterday and decided to play this one from the YHF engineers demos. Holy crap! Some people might think of it as cheap studio trickery the way the sounds travel from ear to ear, but I totally loved it. And Jeff's voice is the mix is so warm and intimate.
  15. Here's that great moment from Solid Sound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQvHzZ2bk2Y
  16. Anybody have any idea why there are no DVDs of Tom Waits in concert? I know there are a couple of bootlegs out there, but it would seem that someone with that cinematic a style would be a natural for a performance film or two. I can only assume that it's Tom's wish not to have anything released, but any idea why? I work one day a week at a very eclectic and comprehensive video rental place with an excellent music collection, and all we've got is Under Review (a snoozefext), Under the Influence (better, but still mainly talking heads and analysis) and One Star Shining (a documentary about th
  17. I've mentioned this before in other threads, but since there's now a thread on this topic, I'll say it again. Most people I've tried to recruit have not succumbed to the siren call of Wilco. Their reactions to my obsession and evangelism have ranged from bemusement to (I think) real concern about my mental stability. But there's one big exception to that, and that is one of my best friends since we were 10 years old. Her gateway was watching the Austin City Limits show right after Sky Blue Sky and she asked if this was the band I'd been raving about. I proceeded to load her up with everyth
  18. I ran this through Google translator and found this to be a really good interview. I used to be reasonably good at Spanish, and comparing this translated version to the original, I think the translation misses a lot of subtleties and idioms and mixes up pronouns, but still, you can glean most of the intent from this sorta garbled translation. So, for what it's worth, here's the translated version:
  19. I am a bad fan. I don't recognize the poster. I keep looking for it but I'm sick of watching that guy dance.
  20. I had that episode DVR'd and just watched it. Boy, you have sharp eyes. Was the poster the red flowery looking one behind his bed? That was the only thing that looked familiar to me.
  21. Terry Gross on Fresh Air had a killer interview with Tom yesterday. Check it out here http://www.npr.org/p...13&d=10-31-2011
  22. The Whole Love--pretty much the whole album--while everyone was getting settled into their seats at a Sunday morning film viewing/discussion. My friends, who all think I've gone around the bend about this group, were giving me the raised eyebrows when I was telling them, "Listen. .. listen!" The film was excellent, by the way--Margin Call.
  23. I know! Y'know, even as I typed that "mind you", I was thinking it sounded overly influenced by all the Brit-isms I've been reading on here lately. I'm like a sponge. LOVED your review of the second night at the Roundhouse, by the way.
  24. The song I always think about when it comes to Margaret Thatcher is Elvis Costello's "Tramp the Dirt Down." That's one of the angriest, harshest songs I've ever heard. Not saying it's not justified, mind you!
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