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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I'm driving up from Norfolk, VA with a friend and we have a room with 2 queen beds at the Holiday Inn, which is directly across the street from the festival. To cut down on expenses, we'd be interested in having a third person (woman) to share the costs of the drive and the room. We could pick you up anywhere along the way to North Adams. Please PM me if interested. Mods: I couldn't figure out where to post this. If it should be moved to another forum, please feel free to do so. Thanks!
  2. Maybe it's easier to relate to what you're saying when you use two real extremes as examples, say, a black velvet Elvis painting vs. the Mona Lisa. There may be people who would prefer to look at velvet Elvises than the Mona Lisa, but nobody could possibly claim that the velvet Elvis is better art. Does that help?
  3. Supremely rational and evenhanded person that I am, I guess I can see both sides, but I lean toward civility, if it comes down to a choice. And sometimes it really does come down to a choice. There are boards that are so damned unpleasant to read--nothing but one flaming, assholey comment after another--that you can't separate the wheat from the chaff and you just say screw it, I don't want to be a part of this group. That's when I really appreciate having moderators, especially when they're smart and exercise good judgment for the most part. That's not to say that we might not differ on occas
  4. Let's let Jeff weigh in on this (from A.V. Club interview, 10/14/09, admittedly in a slightly different context): "What the fuck, man? Just like it. Just shut up and like it. Or don’t like it, but whatever."
  5. Wow, I remember this now. What an incredibly cool project you are taking on! You'll have to meet up with the elusive [edit: ubiquitous!] Paul at some point--I hear he has a few stories to share. AND you were one of the winners of the photo contest. Double wow!!
  6. Wilco has just posted two videos on YouTube. One announces a story writing contest (for kids) for the Story Pirates to perform at Solid Sound this year. I don't think the video is posted yet at the Solid sound website, but you can go to YouTube and search for videos uploaded by Wilco. The other is Monday, taken from the Ashes DVD. I guess that was just a playful little nod to the day of the week. Nice Wilco!
  7. Excellent review, and it sounds like an amazing time. I would love to see these two bands together. I know Arcade Fire is in Chicago tonight--anyone going?
  8. And I think they've said Born to Die Alone will probably be on the new album, but I haven't heard the same about Open Up Your Mind. (But it's such a good song, I can't imagine it wouldn't be. Then again, there's Magazine Called Sunset, Cars Can't Escape, etc. So who knows?!)
  9. The Mavis segment just aired. It was focused almost exclusively on her, with only a short mention of Jeff. Which was actually very nice to see--that she can command and hold the spotlight all on her own. If you missed it, I'm sure it will be available on youtube or a CBS site at some point.
  10. Just listening to the upcoming segments on this morning's show, and one of them will be devoted to Mavis. The show is broadcast from 9:00-10:30 Eastern Time. (This is the same show that had a segment on Wilco a few years ago, by the way.)
  11. What a cool souvenir, and that picture is really well suited to a soda bottle. I can't believe they took this long to get around to it, though. And I wonder whether they'll be somehow distributing these a bit more widely than just to the contest winner. At any rate, congratulations on a really nice photo! Edit: Come to think of it, I bet they'll have these at SSF2 this year. Will have to make a little extra room in the suitcase!
  12. I've done it twice, and it's fun. Definitely not scary at all, but it is surprisingly loud at times. It looks so serene when you see those balloons hovering in the air, but there are some loud, hot gusts of propane that the pilot periodically shoots out to keep the balloon aloft, and those can be jarring. But it's a really peaceful feeling when you're floating silently in the air, at a level where you can see below you quite clearly. I remember an early morning ride over farms (countryside around Charlottesville, VA) where the cows were all looking up at us. It was a very cool experience, sinc
  13. Oh, I love this thread. So many reminders of songs that grab me (Reservations, You Wear It Well) and many more that I want to check out. I learn so much from this board! A few of my favorites, just off the top of my head: Vincent Black Lightning by Richard Thompson In Germany Before the War by Randy Newman--also Marie, Louisiana 1927, Rollin', Sail Away, I Miss You. . .I could go on and on, pure genius Thunder Road by Bruce Springsteen So Much Wine--Jeff Tweedy's cover of the Handsome Family song Car Wheels on a Gravel Road by Lucinda Williams Angel from Montgomery by John Prine--also Ever
  14. It was just wonderful. He's a terrific live performer. I posted a few details over in the thread about Justin Townes Earle, so I won't repeat myself (too much), but he has an engaging onstage persona--laconic and confident but still very intimate. I was becoming a fan before seeing him live but that really sealed the deal. His original songs are strong and grow on you with repeated listening, but he did a really awesome cover of "Racing in the Street." It's going to be a Record Store Day exclusive, on 45, I think.
  15. Somebody has already done a very nice cover of the new "Open Your Mind" song here. He has a sweet sincerity that serves the song well. I wonder if he's on this board, since it looks like he's done a few other Tweedy songs. Stand up and take a bow if you're this guy!
  16. I don't think there's any question of DMB's political affiliation.
  17. I lived in Charlottesville when Dave Matthews was just getting started. In fact, he used to tend bar at Miller's, a bar on the ground floor of the building I lived in. They started gaining a real following when they began a regular Tuesday night gig at a local club and word started to spread. Back then, I enjoyed them and still have a soft spot for the band. Today I wouldn't go out of my way to see them, but I still think they're a solid band of real musicians, and if that festival was conveniently located I'd go in a minute. To me, their following is much like most jam bands--maybe a little
  18. Don't know how long this will be up, but it's available now: http://stream.sobeautifulorsowhat.com/
  19. Magnetized

    Tweedy Solo

    I certainly hope that's wrong. I understand the prohibition against taping at living room shows, but these are not ultra-exclusive shows. A little higher priced than regular Tweedy shows, yes, and for charity, but not the "extreme intimate" experience that a LRS is.
  20. And this bears out the dirty little secret about right wing, Bible-thumping conservatives, particularly in the south. Edit: My bet is that a similar poll in the rest of the country would not be as extreme, but there would still be a much higher percentage of racists in that political segment than in others.
  21. Just got back from an amazing Justin Townes Earle show tonight. I had no idea he would be such an intense, commanding performer. Honestly, he had much the same power and connection wtih the audience as Jeff Tweedy. If you have a chance to see him on this tour, don't miss it. One of the highlights--among many--was a mesmerizing cover of "Racing in the Street." What a gifted, unique talent he is.
  22. Justin Townes Earle. He's taking over a movie theater tonight! Really looking forward to this.
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