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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Yes, I've used them several times. Get yourself signed up on their website in advance, get your password, etc. It can be frustrating like any ticketing service, but I've found that you can actually call and speak with someone if you're having problems.
  2. Magnetized

    Tweedy Solo

    Aww, this is one of those many times that I'm so envious of you Chicagoans out there. What I wouldn't give to be there for these shows! (Well, I guess what I wouldn't give is about $1,000, which is the bare minimum this would cost in airfare, hotels and tickets.) Sadly, it is just not feasible. So I'll have to make it on memories of many past shows, anticipation of Solid Sound, and hope for more shows within driving distance (DC? Virginia? Maryland?) I'm really happy for all of you who will be able to get out and enjoy these shows. I hope they'll be available for download later.
  3. Apparently a couple of people on here got those, but I wasn't one of them. Like others who tried, I was in there right at 10:30, password in hand, but I got "not available." No biggie--the early worm pricing is still a great deal--but it would have been nice just for braggin' rights!
  4. How did I forget to send you birthday wishes on the very forum where I met you? Oh, that's right--I forget everything. Hope it was a great one, Donna!
  5. That's some pretty specific information, from impeccable sources, so my bet is that it's accurate. I guess I can wait for late summer, but I was hoping a new record would be out before then, so there'd be new music to be familiar with before Solid Sound. Well, at least they will very likely be playing some new stuff for us during the late spring-early summer shows. Oh yeah, and thank you, realrival!
  6. Same here. It's happened before, for other things. Maybe it's when they're modifying the content? Did anyone see the banner top right--the one that changes and takes you to a link--about a Solid Sound Announcement coming at 1:00 PM today? It took you to the Solid Sound website, but I didn't see any new announcements yet.
  7. It's so hard to be in this situation for so many reasons, Donna--not the least of which is being just far enough away that you can't be there with your dad at a moment's notice. It's good that you have close family who are in the immediate vicinity who can keep you in touch. I was once in a similar situation and I think it caused my mom more angst and concern to have me hanging around the hospital when she knew it was a work week. It may be that your dad would feel the same way, and I'm sure he doesn't doubt your love and concern. So whatever you do, don't beat yourself up for things you ca
  8. Yeah, I think Saturday for the rilly big show is a given. The questions in my mind are what they'll be doing Friday night and Sunday afternoon. Did you guys see the email from Wilco HQ on Thursday? It specifically said: This seems to pretty specifically indicate a distinction from last year, where there was one Wilco show and one Jeff solo + friends. I agree that a full Wilco concert on Friday night might be unexpected , with some people maybe arriving late. But still people do manage to make it to 8:00 or 9:00 Friday night shows all the time, so maybe it's not out of the question. Also,
  9. That would be Wishful Thinking. (I would try to come up with something more clever but Im at work. . . . )
  10. I assume the band is staying at Porches, which is a world-class hotel/resort property. Waaaay out of my price range, even if it were available. It's right across the street.
  11. First, the early bird pricing is not gone. Just the presale, which was a different thing, and very few people got in on that.Check on the solidsoundfestival.com site. And the Holiday Inn did not sell out to the band. I know, 'cause I'm not with the band and I got in.
  12. Tim and Josh, I'm just thrilled that you'll both be there, documenting our memories perfectly! Edit: And not having to sacrifice them to an imperfect medium. To coin a phrase. . . .
  13. Yeah, this is definitely a political fundraiser, so if I didn't like the candidate I wouldn't go and support him/her regardless of how much I liked the music. And I have to admit, my feelings about favorite musicians would be negatively affected by knowing they supported causes I strongly disagreed with. Fortunately, that hasn't happened to me that I can recall--or that I know about. Personally, I don't think politics is inherently douchey and that all politicians are douchbags. I most certainly don't feel that way about Obama and, given my general political inclinations, I suspect I would s
  14. What a heinous comment. I'm sure New Orleans is breathing a great sigh of relief that they won't have you as a visitor.
  15. What's with all the hate for Rahm? I'm not a Chicagoan so I don't follow the local news there closely, but he seems like a damned smart guy. Maybe a little abrasive and lacking in patience, but a can-do kind of person with insider connections that could make him a good mayor. Is there some reason everyone here seems to feel otherwise? And just re that benefit show, I would LOVE to see Jeff and the Uptown Sound!
  16. Yep, you're right. You said it perfectly then, and I remember reading this comment to friends of mine, to try to convey to them what that weekend felt like. You have definitely got a way with words. And by the way, that tattoo idea has possibilities. I would definitely get myself "branded" as a SSF veteran!
  17. Yep, I felt the same way. It seemed like a perfect way to conclude the festival, with Jeff solo, then being joined by various other performers from the weekend, then the rest of Wilco to finish off. (Sans Glenn, of course--hopefully, there's no baby-on-the-way problem this time around!)
  18. Uhhhhhh. . . . absofuckinlutely.
  19. Wow, do you guys think it's possible that there would actually be two Wilco concerts plus something with Jeff solo? I mean, that would be incredible, but it seems like too much to even hope for. I don't want to set myself up for a disappointment. (Seems misplaced to even include the word disappointment in relation to this event, but you know what I mean.) Maybe on Saturday night they would open with Jeff solo, then bring out the rest of the band? But then what about Sunday? Oh crap, why am I obsessing about this already? We'll find out the details soon enough, I guess. This is gonna be soo
  20. I just saw that Justin will be playing at a local movie theater here in Norfolk in April. It's a small independent cinema that shows indie, foreign, etc., films, and they very occasionally rent out the theater for special events--concerts, public discussions, etc. I was thrilled to see he'll be playing there on April 7. It looks like it'll be part of a singer/songwriter festival weekend.
  21. Me too! If you get a knock at the door though, I'd check through the peephole just to be on the safe side.
  22. I understand the link had to be taken down, but I'm curious--was the song "So Much Wine?" Because that's one of my favorite Jeff covers. After Solid Sound I couldn't stop listening to that song for the longest time.
  23. Andrew Sullivan is a British-born, gay white conservative. He's a frequent guest on Bill Maher's show. I thought Jon Stewart had the most insightful commentary on the killings on his show last night--not surprising, since he usually does. And the whole Rally to Restore Sanity was about this exact same issue: take it down a notch. I know people who get annoyed with Jon for asserting a false equivalency between right-wing mudslingers and their (supposed) left wing counterparts, and personally I agree that the teabaggers, etc., are WAY worse--their hatred, fear and stupidity know no bounds. Bu
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