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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Here's a piece of encouraging news for those of you who have been clamoring for a show in Philadelphia. In the comments section of the Facebook post about last night's show in Portland someone was complaining about no shows in Philly and Wilco HQ responded "patience".
  2. By the way, when I first created this topic I don't think I had seen prices. (My enthusiasm led to precipitous posting!) So now the shows are up at WilcoWorld with links and the rules seem to be the same as usual. $150 for VIP (the first few rows in front of the stage), $75 for the remainder of floor seating and in the balcony. It's a fully seated show, first come, first served except for VIP. Tickets go on sale at noon on Friday--I assume that's noon Chicago time. A little advice to anyone else who may be traveling solo: There are quite a few inexpensive airbnb listings within easy walk
  3. How fitting that Donna's birthday falls right at the beginning of a tour. Wishing you a very happy and Wilco-centric birthday, Donna!
  4. Thanks everyone for the advice, good wishes, etc. I made it there and back fine, although there were a couple of hairy moments in the DC/MD area, with lanes suddenly disappearing because of uncleared snow. Because so many businesses were closed there was less traffic on the roads than usual, and this trip made me love the Google maps GPS on my android phone more than ever. When it suggests there's a faster route available, that lady knows what she's talking about and directed me perfectly. And OF COURSE I'm going to the NorVa!!!
  5. I have little to add to Paul's thorough coverage, other than some random observations. First, Benedum Theatre is a beautiful venue but definitely not my favorite kind of room for a Wilco show. The all seated show meant that you were confined to furiously dancing in your chair or risking aggressive remarks from your neighbors if you dared get on your feet for part of a rocking song. I envied the group over to the left who decided to throw caution to the wind and boogie all night. I'm glad the next few shows I'm seeing are all GA standing. Jeff looked particularly energized and great, I t
  6. I've been planning to drive from Norfolk, VA to the Wilco tour opening show in Pittsburgh, picking up a friend in Maryland along the way. My plans were to leave early Monday morning and return home Tuesday, leaving in the morning and getting back to Norfolk by late night. I should mention that I drive a Honda Fit. Even though this may seem like an extreme distance to drive for a show, I was actually looking forward to the roadtrip--first show of the tour, already bought tickets, chance to spend time with a friend. But with this snow I'm having second thoughts. We got just a little impact in
  7. Stephen Colbert was brilliant last night. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/01/21/stephen-colbert-delivers-his-own-speech-in-palin-ese-and-its-spot-on-video/
  8. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice. http://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Rosanne-Cash-to-Conclude-Carnegie-Hall-Perspectives-Series-220-20160120#
  9. Not "Just a Kid"? That would be my request if I were taking a kid to his first show. Nevertheless, I'll put in a request for HMD for you. Speaking of requests, I've been putting in my requests for all of you and would appreciate it if I could make a request of my own. Would you all kindly help me stuff the ballot box for (Was I) In Your Dreams for the show at The Norva in Norfolk, VA on 2/9?
  10. I saw Fiery Furnaces only once, years ago, opening for Wilco. It was clear even back then that Eleanor was a real original--she had a real presence about her. I never got into their music that much but they were a visually arresting group. They had a super hot drummer too--long hair flying around. Sorry--I'll leave the more substantive critique for others.
  11. Wow, hope everyone going to this festival has a great time!
  12. Mountain Jam, you are calling my name. That is a dream lineup.
  13. And I just got an email today about the Port Chester shows, so I guess they're doing these mailings in waves. Oh well, as long as they get here it's all good.
  14. I got my tickets for the Norva show on 2/9 more than a week ago, but I still haven't gotten my Port Chester tickets, and those shows are earlier. Has anybody gotten Port Chester tickets?
  15. Among the things I've been wondering about. . . --Will they continue to play Star Wars from beginning to end at most of the full theater shows? --Will they ever play EKG? --Will they keep an acoustic set in the shows, and if so, where? --Will they mix in any Sukierae songs? My guess would be that we won't see big changes from the shows they've done most recently, but Wilco has certainly shown us that they keep their cards close to the vest and enjoy springing surprises on us, so all bets are off. Whatever they have in store for us, I'm more than ready for this tour. Very excited!
  16. Oh please someone, save me from myself! This is a great ticket and it's for the first show of the new tour. I'm getting more and more tempted to go to the show myself, even though it would mean missing 2 days of work. If you buy it from me you'll save me from doing something really stupid. Make me an offer!
  17. I believe the reference to a Richmond show is a mistake, but if anyone finds out differently. ..wow! As to Norfolk, it's anybody's guess as to a sellout. Norfolk is my hometown and this will be the first show here since 2004, also at the Norva. (That show was one for the ages, IMO--killer setlist and great vibe overall.) But as you say, it is a midweek show in a secondary market, and since it hasn't sold out yet I predict that tickets will be available until about a week before the show. If anyone on this board wants to save a few bucks in fees, you can PM me here and I will pick up a tic
  18. Be quiet! I'm enjoying eavesdropping!
  19. Nice. I've been at a couple of shows like that. I think I remember the recent (well, 2013 or so) Wilco show in Hartford, CT as being kind of like that.
  20. I totally stand by what I said. Just because discussions are reasonable, polite, and fact-filled, that doesn't keep them from being pointless and a frustrating waste of time. Nobody's changing anybody's mind on this subject--I don't think anyone on here is even slightly moving in one direction or another. So what is the point? Personally, it breaks my heart to even read things like "An AR-15 in .223 is fine for hunting deer; I've done it. My friend killed a large axis (species of deer native to India) buck 2 weeks ago with an AR at a range of 300 yards. But since it's not a very powerful rou
  21. LouieB, you said it all. I'm going to do my best to just let that be the last word on the subject for me and to let these fearful, paranoid, soulless gun-worshipping posts roll off my back. There's no point to this endless reiteration of second amendment rights and dueling statistics. It makes my blood boil.
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