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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. It's almost like this song is a sampler. There are parts I like more than others and there certainly isn't much of an overall flow, but it's exciting to me to hear the variety of styles they're trying out. In the parts where he's singing "I'll sing it to you, I'll sing it to you" it sounds a bit like Leave Me Where You Found Me.
  2. Oh, just a few times. . . . totally loving it and am beyond thrilled to get to see them in JUST 5 DAYS!!!
  3. Yeah, if it weren't for Ryan Adams on Friday, I'd be tempted to blow off Friday night at Newport and make a side roadtrip to Portsmouth, NH--it's only 2 1/2 hours away. But no. . . down, girl.
  4. Aaagh, I'm at the dentist and can't hear it. But so beautiful to name it after his true love and muse.
  5. Me too! I've been seeing a fair amount of live music recently but anything with Jeff Tweedy just holds a special place in my heart. Nothing else really compares.
  6. I remember the webcast too because it was the first mention of Solid Sound. Actually I don't recall whether Jeff used that name, but he talked about a Wilco festival at Mass MoCA. (I'd never heard of the place and thought he was saying mass mocha.)
  7. Google Translate makes my head hurt. Anybody on this board able to actually read German? I mean, I guess I got the gist, but it would be nice if someone could provide a more elegant translation. I did have to chuckle at the "stubble islands in the face" line. That's a good way to describe Jeff's patchy beard! I wonder why Jeff gets more respect in Germany than here? He was on the cover there--here, never. Thanks for posting.
  8. Just listened to those songs again and you're totally right. I don't know what I was thinking--the sound is just so different and I was going by my recollection.
  9. Yeah, just to be clear re my Panthers remark--I didn't mean I thought Panthers would be in the setlists, just that the haunting sound of that song might be sonically what this band might be good at and what Jeff is writing for. The Raccoonists/Deerhoof songs are also less guitar-driven than most Wilco songs. I think Darin Gray plays mainly stand-up bass, and Spencer's drumming--at least on the Mavis record--is also more spare and uncomplicated than Glenn's. As for the other musicians, I don't know much about Kids These Days or Eleventh Dream Day, so I can't hazard a guess as to what strengths
  10. I'm a day late on this, but I saw the Black Lilies at a house concert last night. They were excellent. I'd never heard of them before.
  11. If you're proven right, there's the priceless feeling of smug satisfaction. But of course if you're off base, there's the booby prize of public humiliation.
  12. Ahem. I hate quoting myself, but I was really hoping some of you would chime in with your thoughts about what kind of sound we might be hearing from Jeff's new band. Nobody else wants to stick their neck out?
  13. Ingrid Michaelson tonight. No idea what it's like. Should I bother?
  14. I also agree that Wilco means Wilco. I don't think they would do that, especially because of the nature of the festival. Some of the members of Wilco are known for collaborating with other artists, and I think that's part of the appeal of having them at this particular festival, which was specifically designed to encourage collaborations. As excited as I am for the upcoming Tweedy shows, I'm envisioning a joyous, energized Wilco reunion at Lockn'.
  15. To each his own, I guess, but to me all these extra announcements just whet my appetite even more. I don't know why they didn't announce everything all at once, but I'm guessing it might have been that all the pieces and parts hadn't completely come together. But if it was a strategic marketing move, it has certainly worked on me. Each new announcement has gotten me even more excited for the tour. As you said, Choo-choo, we need to have faith that Jeff isn't going to let us down.
  16. Thanks! I'm on my mobile phone and can't easily post links. This is so exciting!!!
  17. You are dialed into the Tweedy zeitgeist for sure, John!
  18. Tim, you've outdone yourself. I've grown to expect great concert photos from you, and I knew you could write, but the way you've combined the narrative and visual in these reports really conveys the whole festival vibe. I almost feel like I was there. But wow, that is a young crowd.
  19. Oh, that's cool. I'll actually be seeing them on the 9th and 10th, firsthand. I'll be really interested in early reports from the first show, in Detroit.
  20. This afternoon, while driving around, I played the AGIB bonus CD and listened to Panthers for the first time in a while. It hit me that the new band's sound--and Jeff's new songs--might sound like something along those lines. I'm not good at articulating why, but something about the spare sound of that song just sounds like it might be a direction Jeff wants to be heading in. Then again, maybe it'll be gangsta rap--who knows?? But I'm really enjoying speculating.
  21. I wonder if there'll be some new merch at these shows? Hope so--I simply do NOT have enough Tweedy/Wilco t-shirts (to fill up an entire closet, that is). Edited: Stupid autocorrect kept changing merch to mercy!
  22. I'm very sorry too hear this sad update. I remember talking with you on the phone in Chicago when we missed connections at the Tweedy charity shows. I forget which night he played California Stars--was it the night you were there? Unfortunately I can't actually walk with you in Chicago, but I'm definitely sending my support in every way I can from afar. For you, Susan, and all others fighting the good fight.
  23. I remember every word of mine. Maury, fair Maury, mold thou our destinies Guide us aright in all we do Thy name we cherish, thy memory honor Our alma mater, staunch and true. I won't bore you any further. Also, now that I think of it, those may be the only words I'm sure of.
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