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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. It was. I just noticed that some folks had posted about having specific seat assignments, and I decided to call the etix people to find out if something had changed (and to find out what seat I was assigned if that was the case!) That's when they told me that the numbering does not correlate to a specific seat assignment. I'm pretty sure the same policy applies to the $75 tickets as well--that they guarantee you admission to the venue but not a specific seat--but again, I'm not sure,since I only asked about the gold circle.
  2. I hadn't noticed seat assignments, and according to the Customer Service guy at etix there are not assigned seats, at least not in the gold circle. The numbers that have been assigned are strictly a bookkeeping mechanism to keep track of how many seats have been sold--they won't determine where you sit. It's GA within the gold circle. Again, this applies to gold circle tickets--I didn't ask about the regular admission seating policy. It would be nice to have this clarified by someone from etix or The Vic. It probably wouldn't affect me personally since I'll be lining up early, but if someone
  3. Last year I was staying in a rental apt. directly across the street from the Vic (sadly, no longer available) and I couldn't believe it, but people started lining up before noon, so of course I abandoned my idea of going to the Art Institute and joined the rest of the diehards freezing in line. It's hard to say exactly when the line approached the 30 people size, but that's the important number to remember, because--assuming they do it the same way this year as last--the first 30 people in line put in their requests, and then Jeff takes those requests and creates a setlist for that night's sho
  4. [quote name=bleedorange" post="1518923" time="1359693225"]Born Again in the USA is the last great thing Tweedy has done.
  5. No complaints here. Mid-week actually works out better for me. I went to these shows for the first time last year, and they were two nights of pure magic--intimate, warm, hilarious and often breathtaking. Even standing out in the cold so I could get my requests in had its moments, getting to know some of the other nut cases like me. The whole experience really deepened my appreciation for Jeff's songwriting and generous spirit. He is such a charming combination of self-deprecating and cocky, and that really comes across in this setting. Plus, I got the sense that he was working hard to mak
  6. Wow, that's exciting for you. I don't think I've ever heard of him, but it's encouraging to hear that he has such a big fan. Anything in particular you suggest we should check out? I googled him and came up with a video about blowjobs that didn't seem very amusing. But hopefully that's not the best thing he's ever done!
  7. John Hodgman, Al Madrigal, Reggie Watts and Jen Kirkland, in case you don't want to look it up.
  8. I heard the same thing a while back from a friend who had been to see Nels play at one of his recent gigs. He was chatting with him afterwards and Nels said they were coming. He wasn't sure it was OK to post the info but since it's now coming from two sources, it seems fine to mention it.
  9. I took the plunge! I found a fare too good to pass up so I just booked it--getting in to O'Hare at 9:25 AM on the 13th.
  10. I'm staying at the Willows and Paul, the owner/manager there, said that his sister has just recently bought the Williamstown Motel, so I think that is what has led to the confusion in communication. Also, the family has just returned from a trip to India. If the whole family is as nice as Paul, I wouldn't be concerned about the management at the Williamstown Motel.
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong, anyone, but I think it was Frontgate. And I think it's Central time.
  12. Oh my god--my favorite initials on this board--srmt!!!! Any idea what the prices will be? And will there be gold circle tickets for both nights? Thank you so much!!
  13. A little news: Euclid Records will be back at Solid Sound this year, according to FB. Also, in case Faxman or others are interested, I set up a page on Facebook called Solid Sound 2013 to facilitate exactly this kind of sharing, etc. Feel free to come on over and post on there if you'd like. I will be driving up from Norfolk, VA in a rented minivan and picking up some people along the way. Not sure yet exactly what the headcount will be, since I don't think most people have made their airline reservatiions yet, but I'm expecting to be stopping by Providence and Logan airport at least, so
  14. She's not working--she's sucking on helium!
  15. Hey Donna, we know it's your birthday and all, but who's been giving you all these helium balloons?Step away from the balloons!
  16. And to complete the trilogy, it works great on my Droid. Thank you!!
  17. What I've really enjoyed about these Jeff Garlin podcasts is how truly conversational they are. They're not interviews so much as genuine conversations, and Jeff Garlin is such an enthusiast. He's not afraid to interrupt his guests with stories of his own, and then you get to hear unpredictable responses from the guests, when they go "off message." I think it bodes well for an entertaining hour with the Jeffs!
  18. Yes, Louie, you ARE missing something! They've annouced a new album coming out this year!!!
  19. I get what you're saying with the comparison to cancer, but it's really very different. While there are carcinogens out there in the world--some we know about, some we don't--we still have the choice to live in such a way that we can greatly affect our individual chances of getting cancer. What I'm saying about climate change is that no matter what piddling sacrifices or lifestyle choices I make as an individual--and those choices may be morally upright and politically correct, etc.--they're not going to change the overall course of where we're headed. I think the only thing that could have a
  20. Yo La Tengo tonight in Charlottesville at the Jefferson. Never seen 'em before, so I'm excited.
  21. I will be excoriated on here by my more enlightened brothers and sisters, but I have a hard time working up a sweat about this. Maybe it's because I'm well into the second half of my life and don't have kids and thus don't feel too invested in the future, but it seems to me that we're on a path that will ultimately lead to our destruction. However, I don't think it'll happen in any of our lifetimes or the lifetimes of the next few generations, and really, I guess I feel slightly nihilistic about the whole thing. I don't think there's much that can be done to stop the course we're on--we can sl
  22. I guess compared to some others on this board I'm a naive true believer, but my enthusiasm has remained at pretty close to obsessive level since 2010. I would call myself a casual follower since the early days of Wilco, but I shifted into high gear in 2010, following an Evening With show in Richmond, rediscovery of this board, and the first Solid Sound. It must have been some heady mixture, because it hasn't worn off one bit. I've noticed that most--not all--of the people who post on here and seem to have lost their passion for Wilco also don't go to live shows. Maybe they don't go BECAUSE
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