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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. No, I wasn't there, but I have to thank you for relaying that Glenn comment about his music being very hard for Beetle Bob to dance to! That is so damn funny. And I'm still trying to imagine Beetle Bob dancing to anything Glenn does. But I have seen Glenn perform and you're right, he definitely is entertaining. New song, eh?
  2. yay Flick! Whew ... I was afraid nobody responded.
  3. ... but this thread is about the Via Chicago community. Narz has posted a few bulletins around the forums here, but none of them are open threads, so I'll start one here. Please be sure to read this thread here in case you have not seen it yet, about subscriptions and donations. His note has been there a few days, and now I see Narz has added a few smileys like this ... and this ... ... which indicates maybe not such a good response to his bulletin. ( ) So maybe we can catch him before he uses this ... ... or heaven forbid this ... I'm
  4. I missed this thread while I was on vacation in August. Ronan, this sounds like a brilliant show - a room full of virtuoso performers! I only wish I could see this. I hope we get a full report after-the-fact.
  5. I'll give a little swoony smiley for Grimey's Record Store.
  6. I think I listened to this (or something like it anyway) a couple weeks ago, and I was hoping to hear Jeff's harmonies, but it was Gary solo. I love that song, BTW, and hope and PRAY Jeff will be at the Chicago Golden Smog show coming up.
  7. I love where the Pitchfork guy's head gets bashed against the Tapes n Tapes CDs, and he "listens harder" ... the rating gets higher and higher with each bash Pitchfork guy: 7.4! Hambone (child arsonist): Nope Pitchfork guy: 8.3! Hambone (child arsonist): Hey, are we good at 8.3? Clell Tickle: Sounds about right.
  8. Hey Nick! Sure thing, buddy. Anything for you! How's grad school going? http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=BE4C1872788290E2
  9. Patto! I'll upload you the mp3 in a second here ... http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=E90B2A9415793DB8
  10. J4L! Hope it was terrific -- sounds like a fun-filled day!
  11. aw shit I guess I should read more. Well, someday we'll get some more Wrens stuff.
  12. The Legendary Trainhoppers would be a good opener for Wilco at Purdue. listen to Legendary Trainhoppers at myspace
  13. Nice find, Lizish! I enjoyed watching these. Thanks for the links, this one's a keeper for the bookmarks.
  14. That second link is hysterical! I'll bet Kyra Phillips' sister-in-law is none too happy today.
  15. Paul! May the Birthday Bird of Katroo pay you a visit, and make your day the best-est-est of all!
  16. BBL, this is very interesting. Thank you for taking the time to write (beautifully, I may add) about these free downloads and give so many great links in your post. That was a labor of love. Lou, do you still have a link to your posts from your trip? I never finished reading them but still would like to. Perhaps BBL was not a member back then and I'll bet he would find it interesting as well. However, I'm surprised to hear Nashville is considered a bad city for live music. though.
  17. ( Someone's been having fun with Photoshop! ) Happy Birthday to you Jeff. Thanks for all the
  18. Lizish, they did not have any of the new CDs with them. I know the merch lady said some of her luggage was lost and still trying to catch up with her as they move from city to city.
  19. Here's your fangirls with Tim Rogers (I do look slightly psycho there but he was making me laugh). Too much fun tonight. Most of the show, of course, was filled with really beautiful songs with perfect harmonies, but Tim and Tex are hysterically funny. They sang a cover of Rod Stewart's "Tonight's The Night" in which they line-by-line prosecuted the man for a 30-year-old crime (sex with a minor). If you read the lyrics with a suspicious/dirty mind, you'll get it. And their own song called ... *ahem* ... "Cunnilingus" which was very Tenacious D like. Here's a recent interview w
  20. Loper, I've got your cover covered. 13 barrytown.rar - 7.29MB
  21. The Detroit audience in the lower balcony was excellent, and I could not have been happier about that. I just looooooved this show. It was like nothing I have ever seen, nor likely will see again unless I get lucky enough to see him perform again. He is definitely a genre all his own. I am a late convert to Tom Waits. I had always avoided him because of the weird voice, and I was just never interested in devoting any time to getting into him. But my Detroit buddies are such huge fans that I felt really compelled to see this show, because he doesn't tour much, you know, better see him
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