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Wilco Worshipper

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Everything posted by Wilco Worshipper

  1. And she's not EXACTLY going alone...WE'LL be with her!!!
  2. If you go by Gary's definition, yes, it is...just click on his link there. But the one I ATTENDED was...a party for those about to be wed; sometimes called a stag & doe (its like a shower, except that only women are invited to a shower)
  3. Definition 3-1 Gary, get your mind outta the gutter...geez!!!
  4. , after going to a Jack & Jill shower in NH one night, we rushed back to MA to change and got in line at 3am for the Eagles 'Hell Freezes Over' Tour. Don't rip on my taste back then, I was a kid...lol I'm just SAYIN'... EDIT: And yet, we still ended up with last row under the covered part of the amphitheater
  5. OMFG!!! I think I'm gonna pass out!!! I got... FRONT ROW TICKETS!!!
  6. "Africa" is the BEST part!!! What a great way to start the day, thanks
  7. We delivered our blankets to a home for children receiving cancer treatments in the city. The girls did a great job. The rest will be going to a homeless shelter next week, I believe. And in the "coolness" factor, I bought my oldest her 1st guitar, not a big guy one like d-man might be getting. But it's something she can actually learn with. Her godfather is a terrific guitarist and vocalist, so hopefully, he'll be able to help her out And the youngest asked for stuff to help her out with learning foreign languages and her very FIRST Harry Potter, so those will be under the tree, a
  8. Laughing out loud SO HARD my girls are asking me what the heck I just READ!!!
  9. Hey there! We've talked in the past. Come on down. I'll be going! I'm in Mass. We can even meet here and continue the road trip together!!! PM me if you like
  10. I really don't understand why all the shows around us (CT show) have a pre-sale but we don't. Maybe it'll be posted later tonight or tomorrow?!? There were definitely some pre-sales added overnight last night to other shows. Hhmmm...
  11. I'll be coming down from Worcester. Would LOVE to meet any VCers before-hand Btw, for the CT buyers...regular sale is at 10am on the date Raspberry listed $33/ticket (Oh and it holds ONLY 1600...suh-weet!!!)
  12. If it is, one of you needs to PLEASE tell me ALL about IT...*sigh* And people wonder WHY I want to move to Chicago...geesh!!!
  13. At my wedding reception, I not only had a "Play" list for my DJ I had a "Not to Play" list even if requested! I figured I was paying for the music, sooo... Top Two Not to Play: Whitney Houston Michael Bolton (This was 1995, btw.)
  14. Listening to 'Finale' now and TOTALLY diggin' it!!!
  15. Best Moments: Seeing Wilco twice in the same week Touching Jeff at the 1st show while he danced in the crowd to Hummingbird Winning passes to sound check in Boston Talking to Jeff at sound check Having them play my request "Pieholden Suite" Having Jeff & Glenn talk to me on the phone Meeting some fab VCers...Walken, Atticus Finch and LouieB!!! Missed Moments: Getting to meet the band up close & personal (tho we did TRY!)
  16. Tweedy digs it, too (As do I )
  17. Vibes from the East Coast to a really nice guy
  18. What a loss... You will ALWAYS be remembered...
  19. Agree COMPLETELY over and over again!!!
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