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Everything posted by bigshoulders

  1. Dwight: "You can't fire me! I don't work in this van!"
  2. Dwight: "If I could menstruate I wouldn't have to deal with idiotic calendars anymore. I'd just be able to count down from my previous cycle. Plus I'd be more in tune to the moon and the tides."
  3. I'm surprised no one's chimed in w/ the ubiquitous "That's what she said." Here's a funny article on the subject: "That's What She Said" Joke Made Every Time Archeology Professor Refers to Bone
  4. Michael to Jan: "You cheated on me when I specifically asked you not to?"
  5. That One Night by The Hunted [mp3] I moonlight for DMI-Denton, and if any of you Office fans want to join
  6. I generally vote for the candidate, not the party. Although there have been times where I've voted a straight-ticket
  7. Jeez Lo-weeze. I guess it kinda makes sense the American Red Cross would hire this guy to handle blood. I give blood regularly, and I'm convinced they'll hire just about anyone.
  8. Karen to Creed: "You shouldn't dangle paperclips in front of a baby. It might swallow one." Creed: "It's okay, I have plenty." ************************************************************************** Stanley: "I don't know and I don't care." ************************************************************************** Creed: "Swing low, sweet chariots." ************************************************************************** Here's one from last week's episode that I particularly like: Michael to Dwight: "You are a thief of joy." ********************************************************
  9. I'm re-visiting "Oh Mercy" after hearing all of these great outtakes from TTS, and I question why I was so apathetic about this album for so long. "Self, what were you thinking?" There are some real gems on "Oh Mercy". That's the thing I think I'll always love about Dylan... one can always delve back into the back catalog and become obsessed all over again. Long may He run, long may He run. Kevin
  10. Not that I needed a reason... but I raise my glass in your general direction! Happy Birthday, Alison!
  11. Late to the party here, but after hearing "Good to Sea" on the local college radio station, I was intrigued, and consulted their playlist once I got home. I'm now about 1/2 way through the "Autumn of the Seraphs" record and am really digging on them. Just thought I'd chime in. Kevin
  12. As much as I'd love to see Whiskeytown reunite, I'm almost certain it would never, ever live up to the hype. Some things are better left the way they are. Kevin
  13. I like it. Of the songs I really "can't stand to listen to" Only 1 comes to mind now: "My Darling." And I'm no Jay Bennett hater, either... just don't like the song. Kevin
  14. Cute! I can see my neighbor's daughter (also age 4) doing the exact same thing. She loves on their dog a little too hard, according to her daddy. The dog runs away in fear from her, but the little girl is undaunted at wanting to play with the mutt, and thinks this is the dog's way of playing with her. It's a vicious cycle. kevin
  15. Last night's prime time SNL was pretty solid, but then again, it was only a 30 min. segment, and didn't wander off with dumb skits like they're prone to doing after 12:00 am on its regular nite. I loved Kenan's character during the weekend update segment on all the economic woes that have been in the news: "Fix it!" It was simple, but I loved his delivery of it. kevin
  16. Mrs. Partridge of the Partridge Family was unnecessary. She really held them back from super stardom.
  17. Do you have a black hood over your face
  18. Can't wait! No de-luxe for me... not in this feckin' economy. 4:30 can't get here soon enough! Kevin
  19. I suddenly feel like a really lousy son. My dad's 60th wasn't very eventful, and I can't recall what my gift was to him. Something that would involve giving of yourself (quality time with him) would go a long way. Everything else is just stuff that gathers dust. Kevin
  20. Love the first taste: "Oh No" The YouTube video is worth a viewing, as well. Kevin
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