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Everything posted by bigshoulders

  1. That's the kind of talk a father gives to his son? Funniest post I've read all day, btw. Kevin
  2. I postulate that if they had played "Bury the Hatchet" in Charlotte, maybe some minds would have changed... but we'll never know, will we?
  3. I dug up some info on this Benjy Ferree, and he seems like a pretty interesting character, considering the arc his life has taken. I trust Wilco's judgment on this choice of opener. They've never disappointed me before. Now some of you might argue that Low would be evidence to the contrary, but I happened to like 'em, even though they gave me some heavy, heavy eyelids at the Charlotte, NC show. K
  4. Is this Nels II? I remember reading somewhere about your wee one taking the fish for a walk or something like that. Kevin PS: Like the new avatar!
  5. following Loretta's link, I got all sidetracked on these little buggers, on sale for 19.99 (20% off) Tiny Micro Fly R/C Hovering UFO There's even a video of 'em en masse. Ho ho ho, Kevin
  6. Just took a peek-a-loo at your blog and enjoyed what I read so far. Welcome to VC and I'll pour you a virtual beer. Back to werk, Kevin
  7. I was exactly where you were at, about a year ago or so when I first heard TTRH. I don't have XM or Sirius, but have been downloading the weekly shows and listening to them on the iPod. He's got some great jokes, too! Kevin
  8. I haven't heard the official release yet, only the 9 song leak version, but for what it's worth*, it's not the train wreck I was expecting. I'm glad Dr. Pepper isn't going to wait 10 years to send me my coupon, just a matter of weeks! * one free 20 oz Dr. Pepper
  9. Nice effect. I've always liked "full-frame" prints-- this digi-effect sure makes it easier to achieve the desired look. Cheers, Kevin
  10. After staring at the same avatar for years now, I decided I'd let the DJ Cat rest and let the Dude dance. "The Big Lebowski" is one of my favorite movies, and since I often "just drop in" to VC when there's a lull at work, I thought it was quite apropos. Kevin
  11. Back when I was working retail at Camelot Music, I remember a girl that I thought was pretty hip suggesting that I listen to this album called "Bone Machine." She said she'd just been to a concert by this guy called Tom Waits and that he had this really gravelly voice that sounded like he smoked and drank too much. Maybe b/c I didn't partake in either of those pastimes (at the time--I was just 17 or so) the description didn't do anything for me, and I never sought out Tom Waits' music. It wasn't until I'd hit a low patch in 1997 that I picked him up after hearing him on a film soundtrack.
  12. All I know is that I have 115 lbs. of spoiled shark meat b/c I can't help but to peep when *not really.
  13. I'm not a big Star Trek fan at all, but the trailer I saw during last night's "Fringe" episode totally won me over on this new film. I'm not gonna camp out or put on Vulcan ears but I would def. like to see this on the big screen. Kevin
  14. Is that "Booger" from Revenge of the Nerds? Classic.
  15. VW has been selling affordable passenger-car diesels for years decades. I think FORD deserves to go belly-up for such short-sightedness.
  16. Love her. I think I first heard her when I heard OP8, which was essentially Calexico/Giant Sand with Lisa Germano. There was one song that just slayed me: "Crackling Water." It still does, in fact. I need to pick that album up... my old roommate was the one that had the hard copy of this one. Kevin
  17. Hehe. It does look like him if I squint like this kevin
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