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Everything posted by bigshoulders

  1. They certainly know what they're brewin' at Dogfish. I like the 90 okay, but the 60 min is more my speed. Just a touch smoother to my palate, and doesn't kick my ass the next day.
  2. Sounds like you had yourself a ninja-shit dog. Originally bred by Japanese monks, these dogs became popular when GIs started bringing them back after WWII. Kevin
  3. P@tM: That must have been some beer! There isn't a beer brewed that could make me forget the fact that my dog just ate my kid's poop! Cheers! Kevin
  4. Richard Buckner's "Bloomed" album has a few that qualify... "22" "Mud" "Six Years" "This is Where"Fer crying out loud, I'm ready to jump out the window just thinking about this album. Kevin
  5. I vaguely recall that the song was written by A.P. Carter. It's probably already been talked about in one of the other 4 threads, though. Kevin
  6. Still chasin' that first dollar bill, eh?
  7. Thanks Dawg! I'm enjoying this now... Kevin
  8. Wilco/Obama is spending too much time making bad movies? At first glance... that's how I understood your post... but I think you were hinting that John Krasinksi, Steve Carrell, and Craig Robinson are the culprits, right? Kevin
  9. "He not busy being born is busy dying."
  10. I'm with you. I have nearly all of his books, but I've been remiss in re-reading them in the past few years. I do recall really liking "Rosewater" however. The Sirens of Titan is definitely up near the top of the last, after Slaughterhouse-Five of course. Kevin
  11. Maybe I'm a cynic here... but it always seems like Newbies come out whenever new Wilco ticket dates are announced, go on sale, etc. I'd be willing to wager that more than one of them are scalpers or ticket resellers, however you want to look at it. Kevin
  12. Funniest thing I've read all day. Kevin NT: "Brimley" is a great name for a Bassett hound
  13. $3.14 / gallon for dino diesel, and that's the absolute cheapest place I've found it.
  14. I early voted on 23-OCT, and while there were a few people in front, there was ZERO wait time. Polling location: Clayton, NC
  15. Singing along with The Smiths always makes me smile.
  16. Front Row Center for Tom Waits in Asheville, 2 years ago.
  17. WTF does that mean: "Like we are supposed to"? They aren't on a production line, you know. Just sayin' is all.
  18. That sounds really patriotic. But seriously, what is this bucket you speak of? I'm too lazy to Google at the moment.
  19. I would have bid $10 to have a beer with Darryl and the warehouse crew.
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