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Everything posted by bigshoulders

  1. Two of my favorites: Tom and Jim. Incidentally, Jim Jarmusch walked right past me at Tom's gig in Akron Ohio on the Orphans tour. It was near the end of the set and he was presumably making his way backstage. This guy exudes coolness.
  2. I love pretty much anything Tom Waits does, but the track "Spacious Thoughts" on the recent N.A.S.A. record was pretty much un-listenable to me. I even went so far as to delete it from my iTunes library. Anyone else hear this song? Care to weigh in?
  3. I had no idea he died broke. Some would call it perfect timing. RIP Ed.
  4. Nice photos, both of you! I PJH. Seriously. I caught her show back in 2000 or 2001 at the Cotton Club in Atlanta. It ranks amoung one of the best shows I've ever seen.
  5. I have 2 Souldier straps (awesome Christmas presents) and they are very well-made and handsome. One is very similar to a strap that Nels' has strapped to one of his guitars. It's a racing stripe design.
  6. Hey Bill, I guess I just kinda ran out of words. Or inspiration. I'm on Facebook too much for my own good anyhow. Back on topic, the Rosebuds' sound changes from album to album. I'd pick up "Night of the Furies" and then "Life Like" which is a really great record. Kevin
  7. Ah... the "Band Together" tribute at the Lincoln Theater. I should have been there, but a family reunion took precedence. I'm sure we'll run into one another at a future gig. I will not be missing the next one if I can help it. The Duke Gardens show was really great, but not a full set. They left the stage with us wanting more, that's for sure.
  8. I finally got around to catching these guys live in Durham. As part of the "Duke Performance Series" The Rosebuds played to a very large crowd in the tranquil location of the Sarah Duke gardens, this past Wednesday. I had been digging them for some time now, but never got around to seeing their live show, but I'm glad to have finally remedied that. Their music is hard to pin down to a particular genre. It's probably easiest to call it "Pop/Rock", but then that may change with the next release. This isn't the crappy pap that they play on the radio kind of Pop, either. Their last full length
  9. "Apple of My Eye" — Ed Harcourt (been on a serious EH kick lately)
  10. "Burma Shave" didn't really come alive for me until I saw his Austin City Limits performance from 1978. And "Jack and Neal/California Here I Come" is quite possibly the best road trip song, ever. I think FA was one of the last of the back catalog that I picked up... and although I don't often reach for it, it still has some nuggets. I feel like we've probably overwhelmed the young chap that started this thread.
  11. I started with "Raindogs" and "Frank's Wild Years". You really can't go wrong with "Raindogs." As dondoboy alluded to, there are distinct phases of Waits' material. If you're hooked, you're hooked & you'll end up buying it all anyway. Yes, even "Foreign Affairs." As for my favorite, it's probably "Swordfishtrombones." If you're hesitant to fixate on just a single album, start with "Beautiful Maladies". It's a best-of of sorts. That is one that I don't own, actually, since I have all the releases.
  12. Abstainer here. It also explains why I avoid this section of the board. I intend to drive to a record store and buy the LP on release day, just like God intended. Kevin
  13. Thanks for sharing, Michael. For those who have never served or are somehow insulated from the realities of war and loss, this is somewhat of a reality check. This country is fighting 2 wars, and men and women are still dying. My condolences.
  14. So very sad. At a loss for words.
  15. Wow. That is insanely slow. I'm leaning toward not even pre-ordering on this one. (Even though I know kungfu Music Today.) Just show up at a real record store and buy it on the release day, just like God intended.
  16. Panda is a little game-y to my palate, but to each their own.
  17. I had a recent recommendation to check her out as well. Her voice is somewhat of a cross between Joanna Newsom and Jolie Holland. [swwon] Very good stuff. K
  18. X are swinging in to Chapel Hill again next week! I caught them last year on the 30th Anniversary Tour and loved it! Billy Zoom makes it look too easy. He can leer at women and break off a chunky riff w/o even blinking. I know, I was almost close enough to touch his guitar the last time. Kevin
  19. I think Nice Price Books might be in Carborro... it's right there at the line. Not sure, though. It's on the way to the Cat's Cradle on the left.
  20. It certainly was. There still is a Schoolkids in Raleigh (next to Sadlack's, across from the NCSU Belltower) but it ain't the same. I have a vinyl copy of Mermaid Ave. that came from the Chapel Hill Schoolkids. I was sad to see it go. Another pretty good out-of-the way store in Durham is Chaz' Records. It's next to to the Cosmic Cantina off of 9th Street in Durham. I hope he's still in business, I haven't been there in mos. K
  21. This made me smile. I'll probably think of this little guy the next time I hear "Kingpin"
  22. Sorry. I posted the search link. Try this: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=34201
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