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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. thanks gogo...I already started a thread to cover this.
  2. it's been a pretty good couple of weeks for new music
  3. "You and I" is very clearly a tip of the cap to Captain and Tennile's wonderful "Love Will Keep Us Together". Well done Wilco, well done.
  4. You might like the new Cracker. Great stuff.
  5. I'd go: Emotionalism Mignonette Four Thieves Gleam EPs Carolina
  6. I thought that I was using their words. I asked my wife if I could go to this and was told that we have our "annual" family reunion picnic.
  7. For what it's worth, I can't stand "Dance to the Music" and I think "Wilco (the song)" is solid. Could be a difference of opinion.
  8. Damn, every music subscription that I have keeps flapping away. I don't mind donating but I'm afraid that the money will go the same place my 2 year subscription to Harp went.
  9. Fuck, we're all quite surprised by how much you're enjoying this!
  10. I'll say that the Wilco song is pretty dang catchy.
  11. That's one hell of a first annual lineup. I'd love to hit this show.
  12. Dollars to donuts it won't be too difficult to figure out when, and if, he comes back.
  13. What do you think? I picked this up last night and listened through casually once. Didn't grab me like the previous ones. I'll give it a more formal listen on the way home.
  14. Happy B-day Norbs/jorge. Hope it's a great one.
  15. although I'm sure the show will be great, I think I'm with you on this. I'd prefer to see them, or any band, in a place where they aren't quite as popular. More intimate environment, less crowd equates to a better time for me. These guys feed off an audience so I'm sure they will be on top of things for the Charlotte crowd. You'll leave a fan wherever you happen to see them.
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