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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I have read mixed things about it. The Tribune said it was 3 stars which is generally and indication that it would be pretty decent. Unfortunately, it also said that their is gratuitous language sprinkled throughout. As a result, I won't be able to take the kids. Not sure why they would include swearing in a movie that could very obviously be targeted at kids.
  2. Happy bday! sorry for it falling on a Monday and whatnot.
  3. Just watched most of the SNL episode now. MMJ definitely kicked ass. Hard to pull that off in that setting but they more than did. As far as the episode went, I thought there was definitely some very funny moments. The Hillary opening skit was good. The "scared straight" skit had some moments as well. Like most SNL skits, they take a funny idea and drive it into the ground. The news is always pretty good.
  4. Wow....this is his best work in many years. Has any artist been this valid for this long?
  5. Loving the momofuku out of this one.
  6. I think that is what is great about it.
  7. He said no need to use this thread as a means to try and make yourself look cool Sooie.
  8. One of the highlights of my baseball watching life was watching Mark Buerhle throw a no hitter last year. This was in the top 10. Great to see the White Sox pitching continue to dominate...and the bats finally come alive.
  9. Completely agree... The Office is one of the few shows on television that is laugh out loud funny. The relationship between Jim and Pam, thankfully, is just a small aspect of the show. The contrived awkwardness in the first couple of seasons was my only "beef" with the show. I was hoping that they wouldn't drag it out forever. Oh, and Mad About You wasn't a horrible show, was it? I kind of remember liking it. The bar was a bit lower for network tv back then but still. Paul Reiser was pretty funny.
  10. Hillary on Letterman: THE "LATE SHOW" TOP TEN
  11. Very well done piece of work here from one of Chicago Tribune blogs: Link
  12. I didn't find Washington Square at all difficult to get into. I think it's his best since Transcendental Blues and I've liked most of his output.
  13. Great movie. I'd like to see Quentin make another movie in the near future. I haven't liked one since Jackie Brown. True Romance may be Brad Pitt's finest performance. edit: In addition to hoping for another Quentin movie in the near future, I'd also like to lobby that he never be able to speak on camera again. Fuck is that guy annoying to watch.
  14. The only possible song that get me to give a rat's ass about car racing. Pumped to see these guys again tonight.... Daddy's Cup Before I could walk, I had a wrench in my hand I was my Mama's little angel and my Daddy's second chance He went end over end the first year he went pro Lost part of his eyesight and he couldn't race no more But he never lost his touch when he got underneath the hood He knew how to make them run and he knew one day he would See his name in victory lane and engraved on that cup Just like all them other crazy fools with racing in their blood He would put me on
  15. I want for this to be a misunderstanding of some sort.
  16. Ction - you forgot the disclaimer on that: * The primary songwriter needs to be included in the 60%.
  17. It took me about 15 years to get past Bruce dancing with Courtney Cox in the "Dancing in the Dark" video. Extremely difficult to take an artist seriously with that sort of horseshit going on inside the TV box. I now consider Nebraska and Born to Run in my top 50 albums list.
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