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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I have been on an absolute Black Keys rampage since the new one came out.
  2. How old are you? How young am I? Let's count the rings around my eyes Happy b-day dude.
  3. ditto that...plus his version of "Into the Mystic" should be wider released (currently on the myspace link). Absolutely brilliant. I wouldn't mind an unreleased Jason tune rounding this thing out but, otherwise, I like what I see.
  4. Happy b-day Udub! Maybe we can see a bit more of you around these parts?
  5. What is that on? allmusic.com apparently doesn't love this one but it may be my favorite thus far.
  6. some hear Beck, others hear Jethro Tull. Apologies for the misinterpration on the live show. I can see where they would stumble a bit with the newest album. Still very high on the list of bands to see live.
  7. I only have the new one, Magic Potion and Rubber Factory. I like the direction on this one in a big way. I haven't had a chance to see them live yet but they were on my 'short list'. Disappointing that they haven't been able to reproduce live. Let us know how Friday goes.
  8. I think 30 Rock is one of the best shows to ever hit network TV. It was really finding firmer ground prior to the writer's strike. Very deserving. Colbert - Night in and night out funny. Runway Model - Never seen it.
  9. I would think even his most die-hard fans would agree with this. I like his solo albums and Search quite a bit. That said, I would easily take out 10% or more. The guy needs an editor to make a good album into a great album.
  10. I don't think so.... he left with the Boquist brothers when they couldn't come to terms with Jay. He was on WST.
  11. Sums it up for me. I'll download Accelerate later today but I've liked what I've heard. I have posted this MANY times but people completely overreact to REM's latest output. For whatever reason, people love piling on them. I agree that "Around the Sun" isn't the best album of all time but it really isn't that bad. Reveal and Up were pretty decent but clearly not as consistent as earlier REM output. New Adventures is definitely one of my top REM albums. Aside from all of that, these guys still kick ass live and they give exposure to absolutely phenomenal opening acts.
  12. Agreed. Of all artists out there, I would think Ryan Adams is one that we can do without a box set on. The guy releases everything but his humming in the shower.
  13. absolutely great video podcast of the Truckers (acoustic) with a short interview as well: Interface
  14. I don't know either...you listent to Jim Rome. I bought the album on Thursday (couldn't hold out E-sue). I think it's great. I've only had a chance to listen a couple of times thus far but have liked what I've heard. Definitely a bit more rock than pop as compared to the last one but it's working for these ears. I have yet to see a formal review of it. Hell, most decent music magazines are evidently out of business now.
  15. and then...c'mon on Texas! I can at least take 3rd in my office pool.
  16. Thanks guys.... Scott, the Bell's looks glorius. I'll be having some tomorrow apparently. For today, work and dinner out with the family. Tomorrow heading out with the guys to see some music and celebrate 37. I don't feel a day older than maybe 34.
  17. I can't believe I just went through that.
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