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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. it evidently creates havoc on the planes electronics similar to me utilizing my iPod during take-off.
  2. I'm not upset...I just wanted to share that nightmare story. However, it doesn't look quite as dramatic in print. Ultimately, I'll suck it up due to the limited amount of travel that I do. It really does suck though. At times, I'll just pay the additional "upgrade" fee to sit in Gogo's section. Lammy - I think the chances of you sitting in front of me on a flight are probably pretty slim. However, if some food comes flying, I'll come up and introduce myself and maybe we can enjoy a $5 can of Budweiser or something. It's a small world. And I still find it a bid inconsiderate....altho
  3. sometimes a seat gets bumped when adjusting a seat belt....or the tray gets stuck. Maybe they should have different sections of the plane for people that are over 6'?
  4. Because I've been that poor sucker. In fact, I was that poor sucker on a plane that was delayed on the runway for over an hour and a half.... and then 1/2 hour from landing in Chicago was diverted to Indiana due to inclimate weather in Chicago. I was in that seat for over 5 hours total. Claustraphobic! I realize that people have the right to do it but I do find it a bit inconsiderate. Honestly, I only have about a 1/2" between my knees and the seat in front of me. My company won't flip for first-class and you rarely earn enough miles to upgrade as you are constantly switching airlines t
  5. Yep. Typically, I will bump and kick the seat in front of me if the person chooses to kick back. If they think that they are going to get comfortable and take a nap while i'm trapped, they're wrong. I may not have the "right" to be upset, but I am. I'm 6'2" and planes simply aren't made for tall people.
  6. myboyblue


    I thought both of their songs were really tight. It's difficult to translate your live act to a studio for a talk show or SNL. I think Wilco does it better than 90% of bands out there. They have become MUCH more comfortable in front of the camera post-"I am Trying to Break Your Heart".
  7. myboyblue


    I'll bet that you are an absolute blast to hang with.
  8. I can understand Demi Moore a bit but what is wrong with Michelle Pfeiffer?
  9. I love that scene. I was never able to see it in theatres due to timing. However, I bought the DVD immediately and watched it multiple times with both friends and people I felt should be I haven't watched in a couple of years...need to pull that out again.
  10. I know people that work at 30 Rockefeller for NBC. They say don't even ask them for tickets. It's a VERY small studio and tickets are extremely tough to get. Good luck though
  11. Do you think she may be a tad bit into rock guys?
  12. I agree that the show has had some dismal moments. However, last week's show was great. Pent-up, writers strike output? Maybe? I have always liked a sketch or two along with the news bit (especially with Tina Fey). The show isn't quite as bad as people try and make it out to be.
  13. myboyblue


    Bret Michaels Amy is a talent. She's very attractive but what makes her that way, or helps to make her that way, is her sense of humor. Funny women are purty.
  14. They did have a choice. You are dead right on that. Is that the vindication you were looking for? I am totally on board with the fact that they had a choice in the matter. Now, did they make the right choice or not is up for interpretation. On that, there is no right answer. It is subjective. Some think they did, some think they didn't. edit: What Pookie said.
  15. myboyblue


    Absolutely defined 'one trick pony'. That dumb look on her face 'oh ma gawd'.
  16. I mean prove to yourself that it wasn't a fluke.
  17. I'd want to make another one just to prove that it wasn't a fluke.
  18. myboyblue


    high probability that he was texting ction to cut the shit. Good commercials... I realize that SNL "isn't what it used to be" (was it ever what it used to be?), but it's still great to see one of your favorite bands on the show. I'm looking forward to seeing them.... and Amy Poehler.
  19. I can't believe that this thread made it this far with no mention of Banana cream. That said, not a big sweets guy.
  20. Did your mom let you get back on the computer?
  21. Deep breathing is a good, non-medicinal method to calm nerves. Many enjoy a drink or two...you may be a bit young still. Don't drink any caffeine and get good rest. Vibes
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