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Everything posted by solace

  1. def check out 'Like Water For Chocolate', as good as Be is, that record kicks its ass
  2. yeah i'm sure it will grow on me more too, Keep It Together did a ton. i actually didn't like that one much at all save for a couple songs at first, but now i love it. that Begining Is The End track is wicked i realize why they moved away from that sound (to save Brian's hands/arms) but it's a bummer regardless. i might go see them here in 2 weeks, haven't decided yet, it's an annoying festival
  3. it's definitely solid. for now i'd put it 4th for me tho, after Lost & Gone, Goldfly, them Keep It Together. still a few songs i'm not too big on, and the death of the Thundergod's bongos makes me weep a bit
  4. Radiohead's won't be up there... they even told people in the tapers section to stop taping (didn't stop a few people, as there are recordings from it), i think they're worried about new songs being posted online (tough shit//too late) MMJ's should be, the last 2 of their Bonnaroo shows have been
  5. i've not heard it yet myself. supposedly it's more folk-y singer/songwriter stuff, so i'd say no, prolly not like BR. i liked his first solo record, American Lesion, but i'm thinking this is diff from that even.
  6. the new Greg Graffin (Bad Religion frontman) solo record leaked the other day. The Weakerthans back him on it, and will for part of his upcoming tour as well.
  7. ah, he can do no wrong for me vocally i'll admit his vocals did take me a while to get into tho
  8. Corpus is a cover, i dig it myself, but then again i'm a fanboy check out Sketches, the first disc rivals Grace at times for me
  9. true, i should stress the singer part Dylan is the best songwriter ever but even just his released output he's definitely in a pretty top tier for me songwriting wise, not to mention his amazing unreleased output as well. and yeah, he def was an underrated musician/guitarist for sure. i think too often people just assume that i (as well as others) rate him so high because he died so young, fact is i got into him in late '96, not too much before he died, i was obsessed with him before he passed, but it went to an entirely diff level in the months past. i don't really see it as "showing
  10. Jeff Buckley = greatest singer/songwriter ever for me, so i'm biased
  11. nope, it'l be rescheduled here soon tho
  12. Serak, there was an entire run of dates that he had to postpone due to scheduling conflicts apparently
  13. saw TBLLT last night here in Mpls... GREAT show... way more energy than i ever would have expected compared to their record, not to mention really tight musicians/singers. the cover of George Michael's "Faith" ruled Bicycles were pretty fun as well, but a bit hit or miss. cute drummer tho
  14. hey now, Europe got a Stray Cats tour in '04
  15. weeeeeeeeeee seeing them tomorrow night! Brian Setzer tonight (in a 250 capacity club no less! )
  16. lotta songs i don't recognize the names of... is there like 4-5 new songs in that list? i recognize Bangers and Mash (b-side i think) and Arpeggi (one of the new ones)
  17. yes they are. haven't seen them in a number of years, but have always loved the shows i've seen. remind me of Sabbath meets Iron Butterfly only a bit more punk
  18. David Ford - State of the Union Sweet dreams all met with derision This train, it was armed for collision It's a shame, it's a shame, it's a shame Clap your hands in the sparkle and glitter Shake your heads at the twisted and bitter Oh they don't know how lucky they are Foot down for the alienation Look on as your love, its gets lost in translation To a language that nobody understands There are smiles as they erode and corrupt you Of the great expectations you could never live up to We are lost, we are lost, we are lost get you coat, 'cos the righteous are leaving 'Cos they can't wo
  19. i updated to a new version of Plesk last night and apparently it changed some file permissions, i'll fix it when i get a chance
  20. looks as though it was a manual registration/spam, not a bot
  21. was it archives before? i thought it was archive.via always? i spose i could make archives forward to archive
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