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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Current member of the 40 club. Life is good, and keeps getting better. Then to this earthen Bowl did I adjourn My Lip the secret Well of Life to learn: And Lip to Lip it murmur'd--"While you live, Drink!--for once dead you never shall return."
  2. They're out of gas. 65 playoff games in the last 3 years means they've played almost a whole extra season. (Conference finals in 07, Finals in 08 and 09.) Sharks are hungry to shed their image of playoffs disappointments. They are soundly beating the Wings in all facets of the game.
  3. Sad news. I fondly remember the summer of 84, being able to tune in WJR (from Minnesota!) around sunset to listen to Harwell and Paul Carey.
  4. Nuts. This night had so many things go wrong for this Wings fan. First, I forgot that tonight was the first night of our dog training class, so I knew I'd be missing at least the first period. So, class ends and I check the score. Wings are up 3-1. Good! Then I get home only to find out that the game isn't even on! Bad. The Sidney Crosby show is on instead. Bad. I have to wait until the Pittsburgh/Montreal game is over before Versus will switch to the Wings game. The game comes on, but Versus is showing a broadcast with Sharks homer announcers. Bad. Sharks score. 3-2. Announcer goes nuts. Shar
  5. The day our team can erase an 11-run lead...
  6. It's enough to let maybe 5 cars through. There's usually at least 10 cars waiting. And yes - the red is WAY longer than the green. Now, if it were red then green with 8 seconds each - THAT would be entertaining.
  7. The specific light that I'm pet peeved against is at a T intersection, at which I've NEVER seen traffic coming from the perpendicular route, and I'm always caught there, wondering why I'm waiting for a green light. It probably shouldn't even be a traffic-lighted intersection.
  8. Drivers who stay in the passing lane even though they're not passing anyone (and they have their cruise control set to the speed limit +5). The traffic light by my house, which has been reconfigured due to construction and traffic detours - which stays green for 8 seconds (I counted). Traffic lights that turn red even though there's no traffic stopped at the perpendicular light. Ooh! I have two new ones from last night. Two softball pet peeves: Teams who are too good to be playing in the shittiest level league, but do so anyway and destroy the opposition (we got 15-runned after 5 innin
  9. Great question. Let's see. Ottawa and Montreal are the only Canadian teams that I can think of from the East that have been in the finals in the last 20 years. Ottawa played the Ducks, And Montreal played LA and... Calgary! ding ding! 1989. Dougie Gilmour.
  10. Why are you sticking Datsyuk with those Eastern chumps?
  11. Ouch. Wings have been clearly outmatched by the Sharks. 9 power plays for the Sharks! It will be a miracle if Detroit wins this series.
  12. I would think that a common thought of a passerby would be "Holy shit - someone was stabbed. The stabber could still be nearby. I do not want to get stabbed. Walk faster." I can't blame them. Seems like a normal response to a potentially dangerous situation is to get away from the potentially dangerous situation.
  13. Yeah, that first 10 minutes hurt. They were completely dominated. They ended up making a game of it, but could never score the tying goal. Wings should be an Eastern team. No team will travel more in the playoffs.
  14. I usually spend an hour nightly, from 8:30-9:30 watching with my wife - whatever shows we have DVRed. Movies are for weekends. The only "live" TV I watch is hockey.
  15. Sharks v Wings - should be a great series. Nabokov has a lot to prove - hard to believe he was a Vezina finalist only two years ago. He's not the premier goalie he once was. Detroit has the experience of getting to the finals the last two years, but I think this matchup is pretty even. Canucks v Hawks - this will be a brouhaha. I think whomever wins this series will lose in the next round due to the physical toll it will take. There's no love lost between these teams. The goalie of the losing team will be the goat. Pens v Habs - Pens in 5. I think the Habs will be spent after the Caps se
  16. Don't worry. They'll win. Ain't NHL playoffs grand?
  17. It would be something if they moved to Winnepeg, and Doan could end his career there. I really admire players who are able to stay with the same team their whole career.
  18. It's the mouthguard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeOZ01ZCY3M
  19. So, even though both the Canucks and Hawks series went to six games, you couldn't imagine another team beating either one? It's not like either team dominated. I still think it's wide open in the West. As for the East, I think it's Cindy's Cup to lose.
  20. People ride escalators side-by-side? I'm saving that one for a future pet peeve. That's like my one friend who will ALWAYS sneak in behind me in a revolving door so that we're crammed in there. He only does it because he knows it'll piss me off!
  21. When people arrive at work and say "Good morning!" and when they leave and say "Good night!"
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