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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. "Here comes the icepick in the forehead!" Damn, so when the fuck is that Roxy DVD going to be released?
  2. IMHO, the BEST season, hands down, was the single season featuring Billy Crystal and Christopher Guest.
  3. I'm trying to think of all the Zappaisms that are a part of my daily language. "I've got a present for You-oo!" "Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho?" "Unconcho"
  4. Some people still believe in the notion of separation of church and state. Personally, I'm against abortion - my 50% stake in the decision with my mate will always be against it. However, I do not believe in legislating that decision for others. Besides, if your concern is to make abortion illegal, you should very well know by now that the Republicans disingenuously bought your vote long ago for an issue they have no intent on seeing through.
  5. Gotta be Comiskey - that's where the cancelled game was to have happened. Go Tigers. Go Twins.
  6. Joe's Garage was the first Zappa album I ever heard, and it's still one of my faves. I also have a soft spot for Ship Arriving Too Late... I think my sister and I can still sing all the lyrics to that one (not to mention Valley Girl - our whole family still uses the phrase "I'm sure!") One Size Fits All is my favorite. LOVE We're Only In It for the Money, and still go nuts over the guitar solo that ends and resumes when you flip the LP of You Are What You Is...
  7. I think we should let each candidate call a mulligan with no penalties...
  8. What's a Hip-Hop activist? An advocate for more popping and locking? More graffiti? More hooded grey sweatshirts + white gloves combos?
  9. I don't know how many participants we need, but for those who are remotely interested, I suggest we use Yahoo. http://hockey.fantasysports.yahoo.com/hockey
  10. Well Biden has been using the line "Well, if you believe that, I have a Bridge to Nowhere to sell you." He should change it to "Well, if you believe that, I have a Bridge to Nowhere that I've approved funding for - for you."
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