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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. That and the lawsuit from the Marvin Gaye family for ripping off Got To Give It Up. But the video's nice.
  2. Since there was a light dusting of snow on the ground this morning, I decided to play Ella Fitzgerald's Christmas album on my ipod - on my commute to work. Loved it.
  3. My pug's bad breath when he yawns. I think I drink decent coffee? Probably not top of the line, but somewhere in the Starbucks' universe of quality... Not motivated to get better coffee to avoid coffee piss stank. Maybe I actually enjoy the stankness of it all?
  4. I also enjoy asparagus pee, but coffee piss is rank.
  5. Occasionally, but not very often - I donate more to homeless/runaway shelters.
  6. I always liked it - a lawn mower has the best smell in the world - the combo of gasoline and cut grass.
  7. I find it remarkable that they didn't meet until the 90s, and that she had thought the VU were an English band?!?
  8. Seems like Spotify doesn't know what to do with the Talking Heads.
  9. He definitely wasn't benched. He started the first game immediately following his arrest, got the next game off (normal pattern for a goalie - rarely does anyone start in back-to-back games), and he's starting tonight. So he only missed one start.
  10. The Conjuring was awesome. Good scary stuff.
  11. So, what about the difference between Call of Duty, and James Bond on N64?
  12. I used to be left side, until we had our kid. Our bedroom is so small that our bed is jammed against two walls. The only way onto the bed is via the left side. Since my wife is the one who answers to the kid's wake-ups, we switched spots, (so she wouldn't have to crawl over me) and that took a long time to get used to. I've offered to take up the nocturnal on-call duties, so I could get the left side back, but she ain't having it.
  13. 50-80?? Holy smokes. If any live music show counts as a "concert", then I definitely average less than one a month.
  14. My faves as a kid were Force 10 from Navarone, and The Big Red One. (probably because both had Star Wars tie-ins)
  15. Isn't it just an extension of what's always been available as far as war = entertainment/toys? E.g. Little green army men, GI Joe, Risk, Stratego, other strategy/war games? Granted, the advertising is way more X-treme nowadays...
  16. Of course the news has a liberal bent. The very idea of reporting news at all is liberal. The very idea of gathering new information and expanding one's mind is liberal.
  17. This is great. http://deadspin.com/heres-rare-audio-of-jfk-bitching-about-the-u-s-hockey-1454841976
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