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Everything posted by Boss_Tweedy

  1. In no particular order (I'm probably forgetting some): Jeff Tweedy - Warmer Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Ghosteen Sharon Van Etten - Remind Me Tomorrow Yola - Walk Through Fire Charley Crockett - The Valley Esther Rose - You Made It This Far Dee White - Southern Gentleman
  2. Welcome, Ryan! Glad you found us & Happy New Year!
  3. I'm serious You'll see I'm working on my abs I'm working on me
  4. Merry Christmas, VC'ers! It was so great to finally meet our fearless leader as well as others of you this year. Can't wait to meet more of you and to catch up with those of you I know down the road. Wishing you all a very happy, healthy, and prosperous 2020.
  5. Sorry it's taken me so long to respond. Got busy and haven't checked VC much lately. I think it's a beautiful album. Definitely one of my favorites of the year.
  6. Saw Parasite tonight. I'm still thinking about it. Definitely recommend.
  7. I Got Yule (At the End of Twenty Nineteen) Let's Not Get Carried Away in a Manger You and I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
  8. A few that haven't been mentioned: The 25th Day of December - Staple Singers It's a Holiday Soul Party - Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings Please Come Home for Christmas - Charles Brown
  9. Saw "Ford v. Ferrari" and "Knives Out" last week. "Ford v. Ferrari" was fun. I wasn't familiar with the story. Christian Bale and Matt Damon were great. "Knives Out" was very enjoyable. The cast was outstanding. National treasure M. Emmet Walsh even had a one-minute part.
  10. Happy Thanksgiving to you and to all VC'ers. Hope everyone had a wonderful day with loved ones. Here's to hoping that this holiday season will be a good one for everyone here. All my best to y'all.
  11. Saw JoJo Rabbit and The Irishman last week and took my mom to see A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood tonight. Loved JoJo Rabbit, especially Roman Griffin Davis, who plays JoJo, and Thomasin McKenzie, who plays Elsa. Maybe it's because I had no expectations going in, but I was very impressed with this film. Even the details were appealing. The Irishman was a good gangster movie, but three and a half hours of almost anything is too much. I liked it, but I don't think it lives up to the hype. A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood was good because of Tom Hanks. I wasn't crazy about the scrip
  12. I'm not aware of anything on the horizon, but a new Decemberists record is always welcome.
  13. Wow. How has it been 25 years? I didn't discover Wilco until May of '95, as I didn't know about Uncle Tupelo and was in school in London during the spring semester of '95. What a magical time in my life - a time with which I'll always associate Wilco and A.M. Happy 25th to one of my all-time favorite bands, and thank you for providing the soundtrack for so many seasons of my life.
  14. I saw Motherless Brooklyn and The Lighthouse during the past week. Enjoyed both though I'm still trying to figure out The Lighthouse. Willem Dafoe is amazing.
  15. The show was incredible. It was a bucket list show for me, and he and his band didn't disappoint. You're in for a treat.
  16. Today's the five-year anniversary of the death of one of my good college friends. He had been treated for melanoma after college, and it returned in an advanced stage. There's been far too much death in my life in recent years.
  17. Because I've dealt with far too many of these types in a close and personal way, and I need to find a way to fix the damage they did.
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