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Everything posted by Boss_Tweedy

  1. I loved everything about last night's show. It was my first ever Wilco or Jeff Tweedy show for which I was in the very front. I totally dig the songs from "Warmer" that he played. Having a couple of Uncle Tupelo songs in the set is always a treat. Buck Meek was great, and Jeff's interactions with the audience were very entertaining as you said. Also, the Lyric Theatre is quite a gem in Birmingham. I'd never been to a show there, but I was very impressed with the intimacy and the beauty of the building. I needed something to lift my spirits, and last night delivered.
  2. Congrats! That's awesome!
  3. Looks like the Ladd Brook is booked up now.
  4. Yikes. I was afraid of that. I might have to wait and plan ahead for 2021. Thanks for the advice.
  5. I'm strongly considering taking the plunge for my first Solid Sound. Are there still places to stay that don't cost a fortune (other than camping)?
  6. This forthcoming gem, which is streaming at NPR:
  7. So who's more crazy - Trump or Ann Coulter? I try not to follow the news closely these days because it's just not good for my mental health. However, I noticed a story about Coulter attacking Trump and his supporters like a rabid dog. Or at least that's the way I read it. What the hell is going on?
  8. Sure did. Jerry Lee Lewis has certainly been self-destructive and is also a less than stellar person. However, I've never heard of him being a predator. Bad judgment? Yes. Odd? Definitely. I've talked with a couple of people who have been close to him, and I've met a couple of members of his family. They're definitely an odd bunch. But Ryan Adams seems to be a whole different kind of terrible.
  9. Just watched "At Eternity's Gate." Willem Dafoe is incredible as Vincent Van Gogh, and to me the movie is better than a lot of this year's best picture nominees. I also finally watched "Bad Times at the El Royale." It was good but not great. Definite reminders of the Coen Brothers and Tarantino.
  10. Not surprising at all if true. I stopped being a fan of his in 2005 when he walked offstage early in a show after an incoherent rant. If this is true then he's just a bad person all the way around. And his musical talent doesn't and shouldn't make up for that.
  11. Yeah, I'm jealous about this one as well. Hope you had a blast.
  12. Finally saw "Bohemian Rhapsody." I don't see it as a best picture contender, but it was entertaining enough and the music was good. Now I just need to see "The Favourite" to have seen all of this year's best picture nominees.
  13. I'm very sorry. Hope something more stable comes your/our way very soon.
  14. Just got home from watching "Vice." I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't that. I kinda' knew (or assumed) a lot of the things in the movie went down the way they did. However, even removing my political bias and the fact that the people who made the movie obviously don't care for Dick Chaney, I thought it was absolutely great. The acting and production were fantastic. For me this year's best picture crop is kinda "meh," but out of the six best picture candidates I've seen this one may very well be my favorite. I still have to see "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "Favourite" though. And Christian
  15. Robyn Hitchcock at Gasa Gasa, a very small club in New Orleans.
  16. Thanks so much, Donna. I appreciate it. Thanks and good luck to you, too. Sorry you've had a rough patch over the last couple of years. Hope better opportunities are in store for both of us.
  17. It seems that some of us may have received a stay of execution for at least a few more days. At this point though I'm gonna continue the hardcore search for permanent employment I've already started. Thanks for the kind words. I believe that this, too, shall pass. It's just one of those frustrating periods most of us go through at one time or another.
  18. Yesterday I lost my job. Well, I think I lost my job because they sent us home and told us not to come back until we hear from them. And because their messages have been very cryptic. I suppose it wasn't technically a job because it wasn't permanent. But I lost the job I'd gotten not long after my dad passed away late in 2017. It was a surprise, as they'd already asked us for our availability through February and were talking about the project on which I'd been working for months lasting into the summer. Today, as on most days, I'm questioning why I ever chose to go to law school.
  19. Saw "Stan & Ollie" tonight. Really enjoyed it. BBC Films does great work.
  20. I finally saw "A Star Is Born." The acting to me was great, but the storyline just didn't do much for me.
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