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Everything posted by Boss_Tweedy

  1. Loretta Lynn's forthcoming release, streaming here.
  2. I saw "Operation Finale" last night. I'm a sucker for almost anything related to World War II. Good movie.
  3. Having weathered several big ones (including Katrina), I want to let those in Hurricane Florence's path that my thoughts are with you. As kidsmoke said, please stay safe.
  4. 6 > 2 > 4 > 7 > 8 > 1 > 3 > 9 > 5 > 10 (something falling between "Being There" & "Summerteeth")
  5. Went to tonight's screening of the 50th anniversary of the Elvis '68 Comeback Special. He really was at the peak of his powers for that show.
  6. Randy Newman at the Hollywood Bowl. Just got home from the show, which was magical.
  7. The new Lucero album, "Among the Ghosts," and Amanda Shires' forthcoming release, "To the Sunset," both streaming at NPR. https://www.npr.org/2018/07/26/629767639/first-listen-lucero-among-the-ghosts https://www.npr.org/2018/07/26/631481913/first-listen-amanda-shires-to-the-sunset
  8. George Will pulled no punches: https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/opinions/this-sad-embarrassing-wreck-of-a-man/2018/07/17/d06de8ea-89e8-11e8-a345-a1bf7847b375_story.html?noredirect=on
  9. I watched "The Death of Stalin" and "Genius" over the weekend. Both are good movies. I missed "The Death of Stalin" at the theater earlier this year, and I'm not sure whether "Genius" even ever played in my neck of the woods.
  10. Very bummed to learn the news about Elvis' fight with cancer. I still haven't seen him live, but it's definitely a bucket list item for me. Hope he'll be on the mend and touring again soon.
  11. Sorry it's taken me so long to respond. I really enjoyed it though I had the same assumption going in (that it wouldn't be as rocky). I noticed a friend whose taste I trust listening to it on Spotify pretty frequently, so I decided it must be worth a listen.
  12. Saw my first GBV show tonight. Had a drink from a bottle of tequila that Robert handed to the audience to pass around. And saw him briefly and complimented him on the show outside the venue afterward. That was a damn good show!
  13. Thanks, Donna. You're exactly right. With every passing day there's something else I wish I could share with him. Even small things like the scores of ballgames. I did go to a minor league baseball game one night last week and sat next to an empty seat (imagining him sitting there next to me throughout the game). I promise I'm not crazy. It was just comforting to imagine him sitting there by me. And I find myself having conversations with him still, especially when I'm alone in the car. I did watch! And they've been in first place in the NL East for most of the season! That's definitely so
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