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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. I work from home and sit in front of a computer all day, so my Wilco listening is the same as all my music listening... 50% headphones, 45% external computer speakers, 5% car CD player (the rare times I drive anywhere for more than 10 mins). The computer/iTunes listening varies pretty much evenly across listening to a single album from start to finish, to a random shuffle of 1-3 similar artists, to a random shuffle of a specific genre, to a random shuffle of my entire library. I listen to music on youtube a lot, too... but usually just to either a.) see live performances of songs I already
  2. ... doesn't seem to have anyone willing to defend Santorum, which may or may not be unfortunate. All I want to know is what happened to "West" - the user who started this thread last year, posted here 11 times in 5 days... and hasn't posted since. A few drive-by "I hope Wilco supports Ron Paul / Obama is a failed president" posts and then nothing else? Hmmm... well, at least Sparky was here to carry that torch, so to speak.
  3. Yes, because it's a well-known fact that every single person with a college degree is a raving socialist liberal. (BTW, ol' Ricky holds an MBA and law degree & is sending his own kids off to Obama's institute for liberal brainwashing.) Really, this guy is just absurdly stupid and/or disingenuous. Part of me DREAMS that he gets the GOP nomination because surely there's no way in hell he could win a national election... but the other, bigger, part of me doesn't even want to risk it. This is still the same country that elected GWB twice, after all.
  4. now streaming at: http://www.rollingst...-album-20120227 1 pass through and.... well, to be honest, I'm not sure if I like it yet. What used to be uniquely Delta Spirit's 'sound' seems for the most part absent...
  5. I wouldn't go as far as to say I read it regularly, but when I have time and think of it Aquarium Drunkard is a great place to spend time. I think that was where I first heard about Bon Iver & Delta Spirit, and probably a few others... The only other blog I read on a frequent basis is Andrew Sullivan's blog... but that's only when I'm in the mood for political perspective from a very gay & very Catholic conservative writer, who generally supports Obama. His view on things is often unique, to say the least.
  6. You mean 3 (or 2.5) Wilcos -- Mermaid Ave I is also on that list. But any 'Best of the 90's' list that doesn't contain a single Afghan Whigs album (Gentlemen, Black Love and/or 1965 would fit in my list) is very suspect in my book.
  7. ... and yet every fiscal conservative's hero, Ronald Reagan, believed that capital gains should be taxed at a rate equal to ordinary income (he raised them from 20% to 28%). Was he trying to cripple the economy and discourage investment? Or was he just trying to make tax rates fair (to prevent extremely wealthy people from hiding behind corporate shells to evade taxes)?
  8. While very funny... it was a prank. http://vancouver.openfile.ca/blog/news/2012/uvic-facebook-prank-goes-viral
  9. Not too much on the horizon right now for me - Lucero in March & Delta Spirit in May. Bummed that I'm missing DBTs out here in March too, but they picked a night my wife works & I'm on kid duty (though it's an all-ages show and I was tempted... but no, not yet ).
  10. Go for it - it's a real fun exercise! I did it once ages ago in college for a creative writing class (not a Wilco song, though). Got an "A" on it, too!
  11. As a straight man, yes - I can dispassionately say that I simply disagree with Santorum's views on women's reproductive rights & homosexuality. However, if I were a woman or gay, I don't think I could be so dispassionate about someone who thinks so little of me.
  12. Just posted about this in their thread, but I have a feeling this is going to be getting a ton of spins the next few weeks & months.
  13. Got a hold of Lucero's new album Women & Work today. If you loved 1372 Overton Park, you'll adore this one -- it's like 1372 on steroids. Heavy dose of horns on every damn song, ragtime piano, heavy guitars & even a backing gospel choir on the last track. Ben's voice sounds the best it's been in years - heard he quit smoking a couple months before going into the studio. It's just all around full of awesomeness. ... and if don't like them diving deep into their Memphis roots, you'll pretty much hate this thing. Go listen to TMFW again. (and yes, I pre-ordered the album so I
  14. By all accounts, one of the nicest guys on the planet. Hoping for the best. I thought his solo work was very, very good. Clever lyrics & great throwback guitar sound. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNueCUk0HpQ
  15. no, otherwise I'd have to hate nearly everyone in my family.
  16. I'm kinda wondering what Will Wheaton's VC identity is. After listening to this I'm pretty sure he lurks here, at the very least.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2CPqX9e7go&feature=colike
  18. If I had never been to LA before and could only do 1 thing, I'd probably pick the beach / Santa Monica Pier. Unless my kids are with me in which I'd take them to Disneyland. But I think it's supposed to remain a little chilly this weekend (mid 60s) so the beach might not be a great idea. (unless you're coming from a place where 65 would feel like a warm spring day!) But "LA" is enormous and you can waste a ton of time stuck in traffic here getting from one place to another. Just remember that when planning activities -- the closer everything is to each other, the better.
  19. If it makes you feel any better, I could also draw parallels to 2004 and Kerry, who had all the charisma of wet cardboard. At least Mitt looks presidential, even if what comes out of his mouth might be disappointing.
  20. What if, indeed. If we elect Ron Paul I'm now convinced everything will change in DC. All wars will end, all wasteful spending will cease, businesses will thrive, and political cronyism will come to an end. We will have a government full of leaders with pure hearts and souls, who never tell lies, who always do what's in the best interest of the country. That may be a ridiculous notion for any other single man, but we're talking about Ron freaking Paul here, folks. I'm sold.
  21. dubstep, electronica, house music, etc. I've actually asked certain friends of mine who like that stuff to give me the best example of those genres -- and it all still does absolutely nothing for me. and opera. when I'm in the mood, I love some nice classical music -- but people bellowing at me over top of it is just a huge distraction.
  22. Well said, guys. Sparky, you can obviously vote for whoever you want for whatever reasons you choose, but the 2 party system is the reality of US politics -- especially when it comes to electing a President. Some elections are harder than others (I despised Kerry as a candidate), but I choose to vote for someone with a chance of winning -- if not for them, then at least against the other guy. Unless some charismatic and well-funded independent throws his hat into the race (hello Ross Perot!), all that "protest" vote does is push the R or D that you hate more one vote closer to a win. I un
  23. No issues here -- FF/Mac user. Great idea; thanks very much!
  24. I've been disappointed with certain decisions the Obama admin has made -- some that I understand & disagree with like the tax cut extension, some that I just don't understand like the NDAA -- but on the whole I think it's been a successful presidency, especially considering the unparallelled opposition he's been facing in congress. Then again, I didn't expect him to change the world and turn the US into a progressive candyland like it seems a lot of the "disappointed" people wanted. If anyone missed it, Andrew Sullivan had a great article in Newsweek a few weeks ago about Obama's "long g
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