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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Fair enough, but they should at least say something along the lines of "keep doing these stretches for the next 15 mins or until you feel loose." As it is, they pretty much stop after 2 or 3 mins of stretching and say, "Good job, you're done. Go drink your BeachBodyâ„¢ Recovery Drink" (another peeve...)
  2. Wow, envious of having a 3hr block for working out... not to mention the endurance to pull that off. What do you do ("offseason" from what)? And I can totally relate to the Horton's lines on cue... especially his lame-after-the-20th-time jokes. But even still, I really enjoyed P90X overall... Biggest thing I hate about these DVDs though is the lack of time spent warming up & cooling down. It's like they're so focused into getting the workout done in 30, 45, 60 mins (for marketing reasons, I'm sure) that they skimp on these important steps. I always have to hang out for a while (a
  3. Searched around and didn't find anything like this here, so I figure I might as well start a thread dedicated to people's workout regimens & other exercise stuff... I just started the Insanity program this week... today was the first real workout, their Plyometrics/Cardio Circuit training. Holy Shiznit, I knew it was going to be difficult, but that was 10x harder than I expected! Even though it's only a ~30 min workout, it completely destroyed me and I was sucking wind HARD from about minute 3. Has any one else tried this program? I did P90X last year and got really good results, bu
  4. I'm still on the fence about this episode. I realize he was in shock, and that Rita was his anchor in "normal" society, but the way that he completely lost the ability to relate to Rita's kids/family on any level was a little difficult to believe. I also don't care much for the Deb/Quinn fling, but since they're setting him up to be Doakes 2.0, I guess that's the wrinkle to the storyline. All in all, I'm hoping for a better second show. The previews certainly make it seem like there's quite a bit to come.
  5. Apologies if this was mentioned here already... First, there was a big dispute in Indy: http://www.nashville...-punching-woman Now, he's checked into rehab and is postponing his Fall US/UK tour: http://www.justintow...s-enters-rehab/ Hope he gets his act together... Harlem River Blues is a fantastic album.
  6. Indeed, it is ironic for someone here to look down upon ppl who hang out at other social media outlets....
  7. Well, if the first day is any indication, that signed Replacements guitar is going to be the big money winner... already at $2350. The Mars art package might be more affordable -- but as much as I love his work, I'm afraid having those pieces on my walls would traumatize my kids. I might try for one of the Bahamas packages. We've been meaning to do a tropical vacation for a while now... but I'll wait to see how high they get near the end of the auction.
  8. London & Paris, according to the video comments. I've had the audio from the Grant Park concert for years, but I never knew of a professional video having been made. Hopefully there will be more to come, but I wonder why it hasn't surfaced until now.
  9. Some fantastic footage of the final 'mats tour just surfaced.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3b4cFqlWSI damn 1 video per post limit... there are 2 more: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPE62hGTWzk www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCzWQrQKBm4
  10. really enjoying this... and @ $2.99 at amazon, you can't go wrong.
  11. or we could have the SS tax applied to all income earned, not just the first $106,800.
  12. ^ fantastic performance & recording of that song.
  13. Not from the region, so no real opinion of Daley other than recognizing the name. They need a major shake up, so getting Rahm out of the White House would be a good thing imo. This would give him cover for leaving without it looking like he was given the boot.
  14. My 4 yr old daughter has been going to sleep to this CD for about 2 yrs now. Son listens to Westerberg's Stereo, also an excellent fit.
  15. yep, unfortunately. from youtube, it looks like he gets a song per show on this tour -- either "my generation" or "sonic reducer" on the bright side, he's still involved with Soul Asylum and is supposedly finishing up his second solo album. So drawing a consistent paycheck from Axl, Inc. all these years hasn't been all that bad. It's also given him the means to do stuff like this. http://content.usato...nterstitialskip
  16. Yup. He's probably a bigger draw to the average person than all but the top headliners on that list. Besides, he needs the cash - he has this place to pay off: http://www.huffingto...d_n_701020.html
  17. Can't wait to see Knoxville pop a zit or lance a boil in 3D...
  18. I agree about the greatness of the early GGDs. Fun band playing fun songs. I got into them when I happened to catch "There You Are" on 120 Minutes -- picked up the CD for $5 and fell in love with the disc. I'd even say the next album Superstar Car Wash has a bunch of great songs on it, too. They were probably my favorite band for a couple of years there. Then they had their big hit and realized they could make millions singing the same song over and over. Such a shame.
  19. It was shown nationwide on NBC... Lorne Michaels was behind it. (It might have even been filmed on the SNL set - I recall that it had the same look) I watched it occasionally -- I wasn't as open to different types of music back then and the lineups were usually too eclectic for my taste. I do remember being first exposed to the Pixies thanks to that show... and the clip is on YT! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEPi5EQjEpw
  20. I'm all for being sympathetic to people who are so desperate in their lives that they commit suicide. It truly is a tragedy that they find themselves in that place and think they have no other option but to kill themselves. That being said, people who do it like this -- risking the lives of others, as well as creating a traumatic & unforgettable memory for all who witness it -- are selfish assholes. Way to go out with a bang, jerk. You're lucky you didn't hit anyone on the way down. Part of me hopes he was just high and thought he could fly.
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