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Everything posted by c.lo

  1. I saw Wilco on my Honeymoon! We had decided to take our Honeymoon months after our wedding (were married in December), but we couldn't agree on where to go. He wanted to go South - Dominican or Cuba, but the thought of spending a week on a beach would bore me to death. I wanted to travel somewhere exciting & sight-see. I eventually suggested a road trip & he was into it. I noticed one day the line up for Lollapalooza (Malkmus, Wilco, Kanye - my favorites - but heavily played up Radiohead & Rage Against the Machine which are his) & suggested a full week in Chicago & he w
  2. high speed internet? we have "lite" internet, about $20/mon. Husband is looking for work & I take classes on-line, so we do need it. premium movie channels? yes, they were gone when Dexter & True Blood were over. Cable TV? sadly, no. I really do enjoy tv. Bottled water? never buy it, have a filter on the tap Cell phones? I don't have one! $2+ coffee? We have really yummy coffee at work & it's free Concert tickets that cost more than $30? I don't see that many concerts, the ones that I have bought recently have been expensive- but well worth it.
  3. This weekend I saw In Bruges too. I wasn't expecting much from this movie, my husband saw it & didn't care for it. I didn't read any reviews of the movie, I thought it was going to be action/drama. Colin Farrell is great for dark comedy, he delivered a few really great lines & I lol'd too. I also saw Slumdog Millionaire and the Wrestler. Slumdog is so brilliant, great idea/concept. Although, The Wrestler was great, loved the character, movie was a bit slow, was kinda waiting for something more. Mickey Rourke did a great job-
  4. I have favorites (family members and SJ albums)... Totally agree with MattZ, if you like Pavement, start with American Water, then Starlite Walker. I still don't get LOM LOS. In listened to it again this weekend, it just won't grow on me.
  5. "I guess I am moving over to another category. Screenwriting or Muckraking. I've got to move on. Can't be like all the careerists doncha know. I'm forty two and I know what to do. I'm a writer, see? " Screenwriting? I'd like to see that! Muckraking? Seems he'd be good at this too.
  6. It's my favorite Wilco song, love the YHF version too, of course. I just really like it toned down & simple too. It's so great to have it both ways!
  7. omg, wow. DCB is so talented. I just love him. (I had such a shitty day at work Mon & Tues, I put American Water & Starlite Walker on repeat all day Wed & all was well)
  8. we now have "Street Fighter" in our basement, my husband wasted hours playing this at the corner store when he was a kid
  9. agreed! my favorite is IATTBYH from the opening credits of the movie - it's so honest without the noise.
  10. Time travel, love it! I've been waiting for it to be part of the storey. It wouldn't be Faraday's mom, that would be too easy, right. 70 hours... Richard gives me teh creeps. Does he never age, or does he just time travel (visiting Locke as a boy)? There was so much to take in, I'm going to have to watch it again. yay for PVRs.
  11. yesterday my husband called me on the cell, put the phone to the car speaker, "Impossible Germany".
  12. During March break when I was in grade 8, I was sent to my Grandma's and so was my older cousin. Up until then I was listening to top 40 radio- he introduced me to a whole new world of awesome music that week: Nirvana's Nevermind Red Hot Chili Pepper's BSSM Ned's Atomic Dustbin's God Fodder NIN's Pretty Hate Machine
  13. Anyone seen the "Pedi Paws" commercials? they're to trim your cat or small dog's nails. Looks scary. My cat wouldn't go for it. I took "Advertising" in college & I had a 2hr class every week (for a year), where all we did was watch commercials.
  14. I don't know about "favorite road trip", I'm really not a fan in the drive, or sitting still for any length of time actually, but here are a few that I have been on in the last few years: from Toronto to Montreal at least once a year to see the husband's family (the last time with a crying 8month old - for THE WHOLE DRIVE) from Toronto to Pennsylvania for a "girls weekend" shopping last spring from Toronto to Chicago last summer and this summer we're debating on either going to Ohio (to check out the R&R Hall of Fame) just the two of us for a few days, or to the East Coast (Nova Scotia) f
  15. he probably doesn't actually consume it all, but yeah, 1 2L bottle a day.
  16. ohhh, I love this topic! some really great ones listed. right off the top of my head: "Sunken Treasure" - love that guitar sound, it's so sad Lyrically the best 1st line ever is on "Random Rules" - Silver Jews and I'm going to say it - the whistling in "Patience" is awesome.
  17. I have never heard of Moxie! I love Canada Dry ginger ale (even better with Crown Royal - yummy!). My husband survives on regular Coke, he drinks 2L a day. (I converted him from Pepsi when we first met).
  18. I did notice this awhile ago. I thought it was kinda funny, I liked all the animal "facts".
  19. I have two guitars, that I have been trying to learn on my own for a few years, but I get pretty frustrated & give up. Thinking formal lessons are for me. The hot yoga I go to is 1.5 hours long & I always dread going. When I'm there I hate it & feel nauseous the whole time, but afterwards I feel great & sleep like a baby!
  20. take guitar lessons more hot yoga but overall, I want to keep a more positive outlook
  21. the previews were the best! yesterday watched "Finishing The Game", the intro to the "actors" was really funny, but I found it got really slow half way thru.
  22. went for a drive today (needed a break from the visiting in-laws) listened to Slanted & Enchanted Luxe & Reduxe, Disc 2. heaven.
  23. Tonight's my son's 10th birthday (born at 11:43pm) & for 10 years we have spent the night as a family, going out for dinner (Fynn's choice) & come home, watch a movie & then watch the Ball drop. But tonight, after dinner out, the boys go to the mother-in-laws & we are going to a house party. I'm drinking Crown Royal tonight!
  24. I just watched "Gremlins" with my son (who's almost 10) for the first time. He really liked it & I'm glad it can appreciate a movie with such bad effects (compared to now). Such a strange (sad & scary) Christmas movie! Plus, he thinks our cat looks like Gizmo, which is a complement, as she's always been compared to Yoda (she's quite strange looking).
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