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Shakespeare In The Alley

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Everything posted by Shakespeare In The Alley

  1. i always kinda hoped wilco would do something with one true vine, but this is cool as well
  2. shit dude, let's give it a few weeks before declaring declines and/or slumps
  3. on a ball right back at him too *im not saying that was an easy play or that he should have fielded it. just that it was a brutal way to lose your perfect game
  4. nice interview d'angelo's currently working on his third album though
  5. didnt really care for it at all i dig the modern dylan era well enough, but after time out of mind his albums have all kinda blended together to me. none of them are bad, its just diminishing returns i guess. i give him credit for making the music he wants, but id like to see him do something a little different next time. love and theft through tempest has been practically the same album on repeat for me
  6. oh man, cowboy song rules. id love to hear wilco tackle some thin lizzy
  7. this is the most baffling part of it for me. the idea that someone would choose to be gay knowing all the shit they'll have to deal with from small minded jackasses is laughable. but mr rain is spot on, even if it is a choice it doesnt fucking matter. anyway it is past time to let this stuff go and let other issues decide national elections. i know i'll never vote for anyone that doesnt support marriage equality, and im not alone in feeling that way. i dont understand how so many major political players (i dont think i need to name a party here) dont realize that opposing marriage equality i
  8. yeah i know there's great mutual respect there but ive always wondered why dylan and neil are compared to each other so often. idk, maybe its cuz my favorite side of neil is the crazy horse side, where the songwriting isnt the most important part of the song, but theyre entirely different kinds of performers to me. plus neil isn't that great a lyricist. he has his moments for sure, but overall he seems more like a guy that just puts words in a song for the hell of it, whereas dylan actually writes. but i do love them both. dylan maybe a tad more, but neil's hit the spot more over the past
  9. neil and bob arent much alike at all though ive always viewed petty as a poor mans dylan, but im coming around to him a bit lately
  10. its amazing how quickly the tide is turning on this. its beautiful to see. full marriage equality is an inevitability at this point, which seemed farfetched even a few years ago. im only 23 but the fact that i can already look back and see such significant social change is pretty fucking cool.
  11. actually i know a lot of people who are theyre really popular with a lot of punk and noise acts lately
  12. how does talking politics on stage not respect your right to attend a show? also, "should have" not "should of"
  13. http://www.buzzfeed.com/tessastuart/michelle-shocked-responds-to-anti-gay-rant-reports so none of what she said was her own beliefs, she was just telling people what other people think? makes sense
  14. wait what? not sure i get your point there. anyway im always a bit scared that one day itll be someone i actually like going off on a rant like this. i mean i guess there was michael richards but i dont think his rant was truly rooted in hate as much as it was a terrible joke gone worse. he realized he fucked up and did what he could to make amends. i dont see that happening here
  15. absolute fucking bummer seemed like he was on the verge of getting it all together recently
  16. one of the funniest men alive it's hard to appear "on" all the time without looking like youre trying too hard but bill nails it. he just has this aura around him. dude's a treasure
  17. id be very surprised if this ends up being true. loria's a lot of things but hes not dumb. stanton might be the one marquee attraction left but he certainly wont be re-signing with the marlins and his trade stock, already sky high, will only improve as time goes on. he'll get out sooner than 3 years. ticket sales are gonna suck even with stanton and loria has to know that he has the biggest trade bounty in the game at his disposal. no way will he let him get away with nothing in return which is good cuz hes an absolute monster talent and deserves to play for a real team.
  18. lawsuits against people who snap and get violent at their protests, basically i like the idea of these counter protests, but the best thing is just to fucking ignore WBC entirely. counter protests only make the story get more attention, which is all WBC wants in the first place. edit: actually i hadnt read these articles and assumed it was another physical counter protest. raising money is good
  19. heres the exact kind of thing i want to hear more of from prince: http://erotic-city.tumblr.com/post/43425103526/abravetowel-prince-that-girl-thang-order
  20. jeff/wilco doesnt allow photography or video recording. audio recording remains totally cool
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