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Everything posted by gogo

  1. Wow, that'll be quite a change!
  2. Congrats, and welcome to the Golden State! Wait, where were you before?
  3. http://wilcoworld.net/contest/ No, I don't see the link, either.
  4. Here's a suggestion: instead of posting pictures, why don't you just post everything as a link, and mark it P(otentially)NSFW. Just in case.
  5. There's a function that allows a moderator to hide a thread, while a decision is made on whether or not it meets the board guidelines (for example, whether or not a picture falls into the "NSFW" category ).
  6. Thanks for all the friendly feedback, everyone. This is the official Last Call for Comments, otherwise I'll drop it in the mail this afternoon.
  7. Pretty! Sounds like a very cool show.
  8. Britney and Jamie-Lynn have supplied a few talking points, too...
  9. Yeah, they did this stupid thing where they started the season showing Criminal Intent on USA, and now they're showing them as "all new! (for this network, anyway)" on NBC.
  10. Yeah, they played the Guinness Fleadh in San Jose in 1998. Each played a set of mostly Mermaid Avenue stuff, but they did not play together.
  11. Boston was nice too, but no, it was in Vermont:
  12. We should declare victory and just lock this thing right now!
  13. "The New York Real-Estate Market Will Outlive Us All"
  14. I don't think there's anything specifically wrong with that picture, so much as the context it's placed in by making it the basis for a thread. IRDB: yes, there are pictures of boobs out there on the internet. Anyone who's interested in seeing them knows where to find them. But they're not necessarily thread-worthy. Just something to keep in mind.
  15. The show was taped, but it hasn't been posted anywhere yet. Keep an eye on this thread, or the download/trading section (Great Lost Track of All Time). Someone will post something, either in here or over there, as soon as it's available.
  16. It seems like about once a season, each actor on each L&O gets their "Emmy nomination" episode. And that would be his, no doubt.
  17. Thanks for kicking this off, Samuel!
  18. OK... so now that he's busted, he wants to be sure that Clemens gets it, too? Because otherwise, isn't it to his advantage to have Clemens denying it? My confusion as to everyone's motivations here is yet another example of how I'm just not cut out for a life of crime.
  19. What am I missing here? The guy who was supplying illegal drugs wanted to be able to prove at some point in the future that he had actually supplied those illegal drugs? How is it to his benefit to do this? And even if he now believes that he had done the wrong thing, and wants to come clean, I still don't understand what he would have been thinking at the time that he kept that stuff. "Someday I'm going to regret doing this, and I'm going to want to take down this player that I'm working with right now, so maybe I'd better save this bloodstained syringe..." I really don't know anything
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