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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. day 1 of Newport Jazz Fest (featuring 2.5 hours of John Zorn's Masada Marathon, which was mind = blown), and then Mark Eitzel at Johnny D's. good day/night!!!
  2. saw Hospitality last night. solid.
  3. from the first post in the thread.... the title isn't meant to be restrictive.
  4. the Zappa book was really good. i liked the one on Sun Ra, but it was a bit dry. very informative, though.
  5. the account of the cop car pulling them over while they hid their stash inside the panels of the car?
  6. i didn't finish it either...it started great but really petered out.
  7. i've had teh Morrissey book for several months but haven't cracked it yet. was fairly disappointed in Iron Man
  8. btw, here's the writeup (done by my friend George) and more photos of day 3: http://digboston.com/boston-music-concerts/2014/07/review-fotobom-day-three-of-newport-folk-festival/ and day 2 is here: http://digboston.com/boston-music-concerts/2014/07/review-fotobom-day-two-of-newport-folk-festival/ a couple more of Tweedy I've got a ton more...here are a couple of my favorites:
  9. yeah Wilco is generally pretty cool about photos...they do ask for approving additional uses, but i've not had a problem w/ that in the past.
  10. i shot from the crowd. bigideas, it's a contract you are signing, basically giving him free use to do whatever he wants w/ the photos w/ no compensation to you. i am not sure if anyone with these sorts of rights-grabbing contracts has actually enforced the contract, but i wasn't about to find out via Ryan Adams.
  11. ok. celebrity makeovers aren't really my thing. collaborations w/ equally talented musicians? bring it.
  12. i won't edit the rest of the photos in this manner, but i liked how this came out.
  13. i ended up w/ a Mogwai shirt on yesterday, a black one w/ a yellow lion like the Scottish national symbol. it was pretty great being in the room. I know Jeff isn't the biggest camera fan so I only took a handful of photos and had my shutter sound dampened. Pics on DigBoston later today. eidt - those are my buddy Ben's shots. nice ones!
  14. i think the order is: Misunderstood Acuff Rose Passenger Side We've Been Had Hummingbird Heavy Metal Drummer IATTBYH
  15. no thread on this yet? i'll start w/ a photo of Team Tweedy
  16. i was. i happened to be upstairs around noon, charging my phone, when i heard Chris Funk say something about Tweedy. i went downstairs and found him, and asked him about it...he told me the time Jeff was gonna be playing so i cut out after 1 song from Dawes to get a good space in the room. glad i did because Valerie June's delay of her set meant i missed a big chunk of Jeff's regular set to shoot Lucero.
  17. i've consciously avoided listening to Adams because his public persona is being a total dickhead. silly, i know. then there was a release to shoot him at Newport. i took offense at the clause that had me surrendering ownership of the photos, and would allow him a one-time use for anything, w/o recompense to me. I added a 'not' to that when i got my photo pass in the morning, and when i went to get in the photo pit later that day, i was denied entry. i guess they check out the fine print. i think i was the only one who didn't sign it. i shot from the crowd, and actually really enjoyed t
  18. Heavy Metal Drummer was played, and he also did We've Been Had.
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