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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. true story - my wife and i left a show at the Roxy before the Flaming Lips played...it was the pre-Soft Bulletin tour w/ the quadro-phonic headphones they gave out to people. we dug Robyn Hitchcock's set, but Sebadoh was going poorly (Lou was pissy) and we bailed...stupid, i know!
  2. yeah it was the Roxy. the upstairs is hardly ever open. i know that when it was the Roxy, there were some fights or other disturbances that led the city to limit capacity. not sure if Royale is still under those restrictions. i've seen it full a few times...New Pornographers had the room jammed, as did Converge (and that bill was supposed to be The Sinclair but it wasn't ready in time...they easily sold 3x the number of tickets).
  3. wait...Netflix doesn't have the complete series? that sucks. my wife and i just started watching it from Season One on Friday.
  4. if all goes according to plan, Flaming Lips and Tame Impala tonight. and Phoenix/Vaccines tmrw. and then ZZ Ward on Wed.
  5. it's not they don't play around a lot...i've seen 'em 4 times and only planned to see them once. plus, sunday night shows can be the suck.
  6. they had to go up against the Pats and Breaking Bad. plus, that's a big room for them regardless.
  7. i have been really impressed that Bill Callahan and Will Oldham have spent by far the majority of their careers w/ Drag City. and they keep putting out great material.
  8. blowing off a free ticket for Superchunk tonight.
  9. Don't Ask, Don't Tell is one of my favorite records from anyone. I know 11:11 got the deluxe reissue, but that's the one for me. np: ZZ Top's 1st Record and Tres Hombres
  10. can you personalize a ring tone to a song that hasn't been purchased via iTunes?
  11. Black Sabbath just asked what is your favorite song from _Paranoid_?
  12. sorry, i was getting you and Atticus confused. it's easy to do.
  13. the new one from Polvo is streaming via Onion's AV Club and it's a top 10 for sure.
  14. no, but i am friends w/ Dana and really respect her work. she was standing near me for that pic. we were in the same wristband color group (there were a TON of photographers there...by far the most i've ever seen at an event I've shot...i was guessing around 60 or 70?).
  15. funny, the rolling stone review didn't think Mellencamp's voice was affected:
  16. here's a bigger slew of photos...Toad starts at photo 17 http://photos.tinnitus-photography.com/farmaid2013
  17. hell, that's a good week if not month. did you see FLAG too? they really killed it in Boston Friday night. J Mascis was there w/ the guys from Sweet Apple.
  18. yeah, he came on stage after just taking a big drag off a cig, smoke billowing from his nostrils. thanks for the kind words, all!
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