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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. that's terrible news. sorry to hear your loss. best wishes for your family and friends.
  2. and Harvest Moon, too. i listened to that last night as I finished _Waging Heavy Peace_. it's a pretty great record...hadn't listened to it in a while. Loren (MazzaCane) Connors is an artist i greatly admire who has Parkinson's and adapted his playing style around it. here's a pretty cool interview w/ Jandek about him: http://the-out-door.tumblr.com/post/53438923538/full-transcript-of-our-interview-with-jandek
  3. downstairs didn't open until a few years later. i remember when i saw Pavement upstairs in 90 or so, they had tables in the room.
  4. good band. i am sure you can find cheap copies of their SST records around...check ebay and discogs. btw, Tom Watson also contributed some killer stuff to the Red Krayola record that Drag City put out in the 90s.
  5. ^^^ good one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm8JNh2Da6A
  6. ^^^ photo by will oldham gonna see Slint in November. psyched!
  7. not sure why the youtube preview isn't showing on the previous post, so i'll try another one...here's a video i shot a few years ago of Ben Chasny paying tribute to one of our generations late greats, Jack Rose http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1Eix98wmDs
  8. one of the best. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlZ-BINSTQ0
  9. gonna have to disagree w/ you here...our neighbors have always had two of these yapping machines, and they are high-strung annoyances.
  10. the stream is probably 128 bit, so hooking to a stereo won't be much of an improvement...
  11. If I only looked to Wilco for validation of my musical tastes, my collection would take a significant decline in quality.
  12. yep, wholeheartedly agree. a friend of mine wrote a great review from the show i went to: http://theobelisk.net/obelisk/2013/08/13/black-sabbath-comcast-center-live-review/
  13. btw, something called "Neko Jump" has 3x the likes as Neko Case on Facebook.
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