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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Kiedis is the one who gets in altercations with security. Iffy is the one who likes Jif.
  2. your answer's no, right? just enjoying my coffee, dude.
  3. review of days 2 and 3, w/ photos: http://www.prefixmag.com/photos/solid-sound-festival-days-2-3-featuring-wilco-yo-l/
  4. hey i can use Wiki too! have you ever seen The Stooges? because it's looking rather unlikely, based on your posts. yeah, METZ or Pissed Jeans or Kitchen's Floor or Nails or are much younger and play great brands of aggressive music too. The Stooges will always have a place at that table.
  5. good line, wrong band...maybe if i had a Dead shirt on...
  6. Iffy looks like a wrinkly iguana but the amount of rock action he unleashes is still very impressive. One can't see "1970" or "I've Got. A Right" at a Stooges show and not feel a jolt of electricity. So if that's granddad rock,show me to the nearest nursing home.
  7. Thanks. I should have the other two days up today some time.
  8. My write up of the first night is here: http://www.prefixmag.com/photos/solid-sound-festival-day-1-featuring-wilco-yo-la-t/#photo-1
  9. photos and review from the 1st night: http://www.prefixmag.com/photos/solid-sound-festival-day-1-featuring-wilco-yo-la-t/#photo-1
  10. he was in our car so the walk back to the hotel room wasn't an option. relax, i am sure he wasn't the only napper. in terms of inconsiderate behavior from a fan's perspective, talking >>>>> napping. unless snoring is involved. the last show i fell asleep to was Sunn O))) last summer, for a bit. it started at midnight, was unbearably hot, and the massive, thick clouds of detuned/downtempo guitar distortion was a beautiful lullaby.
  11. it was pretty cool...i had front seats as i missed the 2nd encore from Wilco. they had the director do a live narration to the movie, and YLT played a live soundtrack to it. nothing amazing, but certainly worth experiencing once. a friend of mine (Jon) had saved a few seats up front and is good friends w/ YLT. one of my other friends sitting next to him was sleeping before YLT took the stage (late from playing Roadrunner), and had his head slumped against Jon's shoulder. after the show, my friend is talking w/ James and the first thing James said was that they came out on stage and noticed
  12. In Courtyard C. Which, you probably realize, is far different from a band at full volume on Joe's Field.
  13. that's a Stooges t shirt I am wearing, young whippersnapper.
  14. I think that a noise ordinance likely had more to do with the curfew than the charity dinner.
  15. The Fire Marshall was on site during the Nels show, so the staff was definitely stressed out. I couldn't get in the room to simply take a few photos, in and out of the room in a minute or so. That was frustrating but what can you do?
  16. I wish I had checked it out more when I got there on Friday! Still got loads of good stuff on Sunday.
  17. Thanks for the offer but I keep content on my site to just my stuff. Post a photo, I am curious as the shirt design now.
  18. the reports of my demise are highly exaggerated. for those who wandered by someone carrying photo gear over the weekend and wondered what I look like, here you go:
  19. this probably won't get approved to run as a separate gallery for my coverage I was on assignment for, so i'll post it here...on day 2 i got the idea to try to catalog the different Wilco shirts I saw around the festival...here they are! http://photos.tinnitus-photography.com/wilco_tshirts
  20. i was gonna suggest Fox Confessor and Middle Cyclone i think she's only gotten better w/ each LP, and her lyrics are really quite special as well. this song nearly always gives me a misty eye http://www.metrolyrics.com/this-tornado-loves-you-lyrics-neko-case.html
  21. the water tank / hemisphere installation reminded me vaguely of the YHF cover photo.
  22. YLT started way too slow....after i got some shots up front I was stymied in finding where my wife was standing in the crowd (did anyone else have problems w/ the wifi and phone connection in general?), so i bailed after they played 3 or 4 snoozers in a row. went to get some food and hung out at the tables, until i heard "Blue Line Swinger" sailing across the air and made my way back to their set. nice way to end it. i loved loved loved the Border Music set (even though i couldn't get my interview w/ Ribot squared away). that was a really strong highpoint of the entire weekend, not just Su
  23. or the Ween board. the GBV board is another place where a thick skin comes in handy.
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