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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. there are a lot of shitheads out there asking prices they will never get... http://bit.ly/Y0ynXr
  2. sounds like someone who may know something. let's keep an eye on this Jules character.
  3. there's a ton of good Pavement songs they could do...that one just popped into my head while i was standing in line for Record Store Day so i voted.
  4. some pretty cool items donated to help raise money for Baroness' medical bills http://baronessrelief.org/
  5. the Malkmus record is pretty fucking good! i wasn't expecting that much, to be honest.
  6. Killing Joke was phenomenal the other night! really good.
  7. AIDS-ridden leprosy is the poor man's Mumford & Sons
  8. I have started an unofficial Pavement crusade with my friends so please vote for Gold Soundz.
  9. at least the weekend is close. i've got to drive into Boston for a 10:30 AM shoot w/ The Joy Formidable tmrw...
  10. maybe i will see you there...still kinda dragging from last night's Iceage show. those kids are boisterous.
  11. they would fit right in at Solid Sound. hopefully it'll happen at some point.
  12. that is pretty cool. actually, very cool.
  13. Adding mv+ee would have been cool. Maybe next time.
  14. Donald Roeser, Tony Iommi, Neil Young and Pete Townsend. That's all I'm gonna say.
  15. I can distinctly recall three watershed moments that proved as key entry points into music forms I'd previously ignored. 1 - Reading Byron Coley's 1994 article on John Fahey was a major discovery point for me. Fahey unlocked a whole new realm of music that I'd been unaware of...damn, it makes me sad thinking about Spin used to be a good read. Through the beauty of the intarwebs, you can read it here: http://books.google.com/books?id=ZURL7ud3IwsC&pg=PA63&dq=John+Fahey&hl=en&sa=X&ei=O2BlUfX2I-OV0QHCr4DwAQ&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=John%20Fahey&f=false
  16. i got a copy via the 35% off sale Newbury Comics had...it's awesome. think i'll ditch the Fu Manchu show for this one.
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