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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. pretty sure i heard Mercury Rev's "Thank you (Falletin Me Be Miceself Again)" before Sly's version
  2. Magazine Shot By Both Sides Definitive Gaze The Light Pours Out Of Me Motorcade Parade
  3. yep that's the one. i only saw their first and last tours... really no excuse to see more shows. my wife went to the show when they toured w/ Unrest and got the tour split 7". i also really should have gone to see the Sonic Youth show they opened.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJmn-1obqKk
  5. i actually thought Peace Trail was not too bad. way better than expected.
  6. Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements!! "Our Trinitone Blast" is amazing. probably my second favorite S-Lab song, with "French Disko" being the top.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjiWjzlAwPs
  8. you are in for a great ride! so many great records from that band.
  9. Fakebook was the first time for a lot of songs for me. two Alternative TV songs i heard elsewhere first: Splitting In Two - The Chameleons Viva La Rock n Roll - Savage Republic
  10. was it sold out last year? it definitely seemed to be the most crowded of the four.
  11. Tribulation. A Swedish band that started out as a death metal band but swerved more into a goth/metal phase. the last record had some incredibly strong songs on it, and their live show is fantastic. Ultimate Painting. Not a new band but new to me, as they have three records out now. I've known James Hoare from Veronica Falls, but not Jack Cooper who is also in Mazes. The next best thing to the Velvet Underground. Whores.. (they have period in their name) i'd heard a few songs from them last year and was very impressed by the live show... solid noise rock in the vein of AmRep or Touch and Go
  12. i hope they partner w/ Smuttynose again... i've got a friend who works sales for them and he was there last time... free beer hookup all weekend long!
  13. worst conceived tour of all time... Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 opening for Live.
  14. two real concerns of mine.... i can't find the attribution, but a sizable chunk of people get their news from Facebook. and we all know how well those stories are vetted. also, the slowly decaying institution that is print media is also the best one to read longform, critical pieces. yeah, you can put them up on the web too, but no one wants to pay for a web subscription and a lot of people (including me) use web ad blockers. not a good situation to pay journalists a decent wage. so the infowars and breitbarts and more odious sites fuel the thoughts and beliefs of the right, and i see that
  15. ugh. i hope this guy isn't right, but i have a sneaking suspicion he will be. https://twitter.com/i/moments/808169181694849024
  16. Echo and the Benmonts is my favorite new wave band.
  17. take a look at those tour dates... now think about when Newport Folk Fest is...
  18. heard the Siouxsie and the Banshees version of "The Passenger" before Iggy's. and Bowie's "China Girl" before Iggy's (likely already mentioned).
  19. Blake Babies' version of "Loose" before the Stooges. also, for a while i didn't realize that Whiskey in the Jar was a traditional Irish tune; thought it was a Thin Lizzy song.
  20. Siouxsie and the Banshees Spellbound Arabian Knights Cities in Dust The Staircase (Mystery) Christine
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