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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Rand Paul is the only one up there who makes occasionally makes a modicum of sense. Rubio is a good debater, but i disagree w/ a ton of what comes out of his mouth.
  2. if only there was a way to convey these sorts of personal messages.
  3. no, i save my furniture polish for putting on steak tips.
  4. i was at that show, and it was crazy loud. even being on Lou's side w/ earplugs, my ear towards J's side was still ringing like crazy the next day. i think the Boris show upstairs at the Middle East was the 2nd loudest, and the loudest show i've been to has to be the My Bloody Valentine show in 2008, during the 'noise holocaust' section of "You Made Me Realise" (though Swans can raise a bloody racket as well).
  5. this is a great one: http://www.nyctaper.com/2012/12/dinosaur-jr-december-1-2012-terminal-5-flac-mp3-downloads-streaming-songs/
  6. sounds like you've been in various countries via your military experience, which i imagine colors the perspective differently versus a routine vacation. what countries have you been to as a civilian?
  7. Quora is usually pretty good, though i find there are too many questions about how to get rich.
  8. If Hillary Clinton is elected, should I leave the country?
  9. and it's one of the deepest holes out there.
  10. i don't see where anyone said that. and the issue of gun control and what types of checks and regulations are sensible has been going on long before San Bernandino.
  11. good insight here... i think this really helps explain the gulf between the Hixters and the mes of the nation: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/12/obama-isis-speech-terrorism/419055/
  12. admittedly that's a pretty easy target, but just underscores the myopia in general...
  13. some ex-military guy living in Texas = sufficient sample size to draw conclusions about military service in the US. go on, please tell me more.
  14. so here's the review w/ a link to the Flickr gallery: https://digboston.com/fotobom-miley-cyrus-and-her-dead-petz-house-of-blues-120615/ peace out!
  15. the only time i saw the Dead, i was disturbed by the dude in barefoot that was shuffling through the carnage known as the mens room.
  16. it's kinda frightening how many people like hearing his message, though.
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