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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. i enjoyed her Newport set, but unfortunately didn't see a whole lot of it.
  2. superior in making music that deeply moves me. i wasn't positing it as a competition, merely a comparison between 'primitive' and 'proficient'
  3. virtuosity is fine, but for me anyway, it's not a requirement. which is why The Stooges will always be far superior to Phish, in any era.
  4. there are not enough eyerolls in the universe. and i don't even like Phish.
  5. Can a mod change the Tango to Tengo in this thread? it's bugging me also, here's a spotify playlist of songs YLT have covered: https://player.spotify.com/user/yolatengoofficial/playlist/3nemVLEnBMqn0W6bsNMRSh
  6. holy crap, Thurston Moore was amazing last night. this show was way way better than Chelsea Light Moving, and the T Moore band set I saw last fall. Impressive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZvQXB4_aVQ
  7. i think i missed three.. the fur-lined hoodie, the black and white striped background, the yellow-tinted bath tub.
  8. http://www.theonion.com/article/black-man-bids-tearful-goodbye-family-daily-commut-50964
  9. shhhh..... don't tell anyone, but i snuck a few shots from my seat.
  10. cassettes are gross, fwiw. the only ones i have are ones that were only released on that format (all the Xpressway material from New Zealand, _Time's Incinerator_ from Soul Asylum, a bunch of stuff on Teen Beat, etc).
  11. YHF AGIB BT STSBS TWL W(TA) AM i can't rank Star Wars yet since i have not listened to it that much at all. first listened sounded good, though. My first Wilco CD i bought was BT.
  12. I am, but it's a soundboard shoot and my friend who lets me borrow those $10K lenses that i only use once or twice a year is out on vacation, so i don't expect much of quality.
  13. Duane Betts is a nice addition to Dawes' live show. that bass player pulls some really goofy Geddy Lee faces though.
  14. CDs are dead. Dead format. comparing LPs to CDs back in the day when there wasno digital in the mix is a non-starter.
  15. buying a CD today feels like buying an 8 track tape in 1983.
  16. Yo La Tengo: No Water Fog Over Frisco Blue Line Swinger Deeper Into Movies Everyday
  17. good interview. and we got an answer about why they didn't have any of the Wilco (The Album) songs on those roadcase releases.
  18. this is a lot harder than i thought.... i am sure i'll miss a ton but here's one to start (the entire song is a fretboard frenzy of activity) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg1i6Y-ybTw here's another one, esp at the 26:45 mark... i love the fuzz that breaks down into the brooding part that erupts two minutes later. is this the first mention of a solo that's by a woman? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsKgltFHIEY
  19. the price of vinyl is pretty expensive... i just put out a record that a friend's band did, and though it was small and we didn't have economies of scale, after everything was said and done the cost per LP was about $10.
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