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Ghost of Electricity

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Everything posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. Well informed discussion about what kind of bigsby to put on your tele here In any case, Stagerug, if you decide to go the Creston route word on the street is that he'll try to talk you out of a Bigsby.
  2. you can't do that and not show us the head stock!
  3. Always good advice. I freakin' can't stand hearing it, though, and usually ignore it.
  4. Yes, guitar store snobs are annoying as hell. Just ask to see the most expensive thing in the shop, then pretend like you can't play at all, and ask them to show you a g chord. and then, what's a G7, can you show me that? Followed by a Gmin7, followed by a diminished chord or whatever. Keep getting more difficult until you stump him, then ask to see the guitar and say "Well why don't you let me show you?." Do you homework first, though. (Disclaimer: I have never actually done this, just thought up some nonsense off the top of my head.)
  5. The one guitar my valvetronix didn't like was my tele. Course my tele is just a squire. The AC15 loves it, though Just go to guitar center, for chrissake, and start acting like a kid in a playground. When you find something(s) you like, go to Willie's and have him order it. By the way, I think I've actually been in that place.
  6. I know it sure looks purty. And based on my previus experience with voxes, i would be willing to give it a try. there are several of these low wattage tube amps on the market. the only one i've really tried has been the epiphone. One problem with it was that the signal way a bit dry. a little outboard reverb helped, but again, that's more money to invest and could be put directly into a slightly better amp.
  7. Another thing you might do is try something from the Vox Valvetronix series. The preamp uses a tube, so theres some tubey warmth, but the power amp is solid state. There is a headphone jack. Another bonus is that it is a modeling amp- use it for a while experimenting with the different amp models, find one you like which work with your guitar, so that when you are ready to upgrade, you already will have a general idea of what you're looking for. I personally have the 30 watt version which saw plenty of use gigging and even recording before recently upgrading to a Vox AC15. This model
  8. Are you implying that we should predict what wedon't want to hear as the mere prediction of it will eliminate the possibility of it happening? That would change things completely.
  9. just remember if at all possible to play the guitar you want to buy with the amp you want to buy before buying one (or either) of them. The guitar of your dreams might not get along with the amp of your dreams.
  10. my admittedly basic math skills lead me to believe that if you were planning on saving up that much for the guitar, then putting an extra 2 or 3 hundred into it, that you would have a total budget of 17-18 hundred dollars. If this is true i would urge you to consider spending a little more on the amp side of things, as the quality really jumps at about 400 dollars or so (this refers to prices on new gear). In any event, look for something which is all tube and has at least a 12 inch speaker.
  11. it's safe for work. Can't figure out how to edit the thread title to make it look like it's safe for work, though.
  12. which is why it won't be this: I would tend to think that they would sit on this anyway, kind of like Neil Young professionally recorded lord knows how many d concerts way back in his prime in the earlt 70's, and is only releasing them now. That's forsight for you, and it wouldn't surprise me if Wilco would do something similar. I also remember hearing Jeff make reference to one or perhaps several real-time albums that the band has made as excercises, where the band hasn't heard the material before the recording session. Undoubtedly something like this would be hit or miss in it's entir
  13. maybe we should just open up a gear porn thread, so we can keep all the perving in one place.
  14. i just watched that twice.
  15. It all depends on the sound you're after. The basic questions to consider are what kind of pick ups, single coil or humbuckers. Then there's solid or hollow body. Do you already have an amp? Different guitars interact differently with different amps, so if you do I would suggest lugging it down to the guitar shop if at all possible so you can be sure that whatever you get will work in your particular set up. The best thing to do is just try a bunch of different guiatrs and let your ears decide for you. If you're ordering from the internet, you're risking it. That said, there are some c
  16. This is the month Wilco holes up in the loft to start hashing out material which will presumably become their next record. It will probably be another year before we'll have anything to listen to, but that can't stop us from thinking about it. My own groundless hope is that they'll get the new material more or less together, spend a couple of weeks in Japan recording with Jim O'Rourke before the Asia/Pacific leg of the tour, leave it with him to polish and mix, and by fall they will have it released.
  17. so which ones would you suggest for the country/ chicken pickin' thang? (other than the cs2)
  18. The experts over at the Gear Page go gaga for the Barber Tone Press. You might also try a Keeley. Can't help you with the noise gate thing.
  19. That's because it's their first record without Olson.
  20. This is true for me with several records- VU's first and third in particular.
  21. So the important thing about music is not whether it is listenable but if the musicians have fun making it? Wait a minute, that means my band is huge.
  22. Stuff a sock in it. ("it" being the guitar)
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