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Ghost of Electricity

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Everything posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. I will tell you I do miss Luna. Especially the Wareham/Harwood/Demeski/Eden lineup (as purdy as Britta is to look at)
  2. My hands were not meant to hold firm resolve, it slips through the fingers in much the same way a new toy doesn't. Reports to follow.
  3. although it was entertaining for a while, i'm now ready to deny the existence of this thread.
  4. yeah, i know. tried it in the shop and it plays pretty good and sounds really good. i think i'm really just peeking at my shoulders for angels and devils, as there are much more responsible ways i could be spending those 400 dollars.
  5. The band goes back into the studio this next weekend and I fear I may buckle in and treat myself to a new toy to include on a couple of tracks. I had in mind the Danelectro 59 reissue. Anyone have any experience with these?
  6. Don't feel so bad. I had to go begging on a gear forum to find out this simple trick,. it's like having an extra hand.
  7. even if you don't play with a capo, they can come in handy when re-stringing a bigsby.
  8. i like the looks of those eastwood guitars. But does your come with a users manual for all those knobs?
  9. I've heard some not-so-good reports about things mackie has been putting out recently- reliability and workmanship issues, namely, as a result of production being taken to China(?). Is yours new/ recent?
  10. please post reviews, reports etc. often as living where i do, i come here to live vicariously through you folk. I'm wondering if and when they'll throw in some new material.
  11. I have become quite fond of the two places where my misjudgement of the height of the solid rock vaulted ceiling over the stage hacked chunks out of my cheap tele. On my newer (and more expensive) Gretsches, they're harder to come to terms with. And don't even get me started on the Gibson 335...I am such an unbelievably big idiot...the scars...
  12. In Britain they will call a zero "nought" and therefore refer to the decade as the "noughties." For me, the nineties were far naughtier than the 00s.
  13. My point is that I have none. I will use this to illustrate it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89Kz8Nxb-Bg
  14. This brought me a much needed laugh. Also, advance apologies are in order, so...sorry:
  15. what was in his cart? is he eating healthy these days?
  16. If this is being decided democratically my vote is for Jesus, etc. Here's a great version in Swedish which is absolutely beautiful : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyFfXyY0xdU
  17. The real title of this thread is "The lamest thread of all time"
  18. So, obviously these guys are great musicians. But the real question is "are they a novelty act?"
  19. The internet and you tube is a great resource for picking up new tricks, theory, styles, ideas, etc. I've learned a lit just sitting in front of the computer with an unplugged electric in my hands.
  20. I remember reading an interview with Ryan Adams where he talked about getting stuck while writing a song. He mentioned a little game which, if I remember correctly, Gillian Welch introduced him to: WWDD? (What would Dylan Do) And if you can claim to figure out how to answer that question, then you're either a genius or as presumptuous a twat as Ryan Adams is. But it's fun to try.
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