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Ghost of Electricity

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Everything posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. my (admittedly very limited) understanding is that problem with tidal power is how to harness it.
  2. How about the Danes? They seem fairly well-adjusted. Let's hire them. Or maybe a Vanuatuan. Don't recall them ever having been in any major global scuffles.
  3. if we should avoid depending on countries which are neither trustworthy nor peace-loving, what makes you think we can depend on ourselves?
  4. yes, if you're considering mega-stars who got accustomed to living a lifestyle that they couldn't keep up when the royalties stopped pouring in and starting to trickle. (Eagles, 2/3 of the Police). Or bands whose posthumous reputations grew far beyond the scope of their original ones (Sex Pistols Velvet Underground). These guys reunite for money. And even the occasional band who reunites for a "greater purpose" (Pink Floyd). But your post ignores the thousands of bands who have not become iconic, and who never did, or will reunite. Minor bands whose names you recognize but whose names ra
  5. If it does, I can't help but hope that it will be like this: After many years of following their own respective paths, they find that those paths have crossed once again, and as old men they stop, not to relive boyhood glories, but to compare adult notes, reflect, make peace with themselves and each other before moving on either together or apart.
  6. The surprising thing for me was that Bjork was in a Lars von Trier film. That it was good (and had the effect of leaving people speechless and stunned) was not surprising in the least, as anyone familiar with von ttrier will attest. For those of you who are not--- got check it out- "Breaking the Waves," "The Idiots," "Dogville," etc...all in many ways vastly different but unmistakably Lars von Trier. His last one isn't supposed to be so good though,...sorry, digression from topic thread finished, you can resume...
  7. Now that I think about it, a Tweedy solo record using the Boquist boys and M. Heidorn as the stripped-down backing band would seem to be an awful nice match. Don't think that's gonna happen, though.
  8. though your theory is not without a grain of truth it overlooks AGIB. And what the hell, SBS as well as i think that one will only improve with age. It's kind of like Wilco's fine Cabernet Sauvignon.
  9. Shame on y'all for not having mentioned Freakwater yet. And ultra-ultra-mega-mongo shame for not having brought up the Carter Family. (unless I missed it, in which case I apologize)
  10. Let me begin the wild, groundless speculation: 1. I believe they have said that they will be taking some time in January to start working on new material. 2. The last show before the march tour is nearly a month before the first show in Japan. 3. There is a week between the last Japan show and the first one in Australia. 4. Wilco could potentially spend up to a month in Japan. 5. Jim O'Rourke lives in Japan. I think they'll be doing some studio time together. At least (or maybe even) some Loose Fur stuff.
  11. although some of the suggestions here would undoubtedly be mind-blowingly cool ("Are You Ready For The Country" and "Powderfinger" in particular) they all seem like fairly obvious choices and I think that Wilco might be better off doing something completely of the map, such as "Bandit" from Greendale.
  12. This is my humble contribution. I linked this on the other thread as well, but i'm a little unclear as which one is the "definitive" one, so put it here too just in case.
  13. Todd- great idea, thanks for taking the initiative. My computer's been down but i just got it back, and will soon be uploading. edit: this should be it
  14. it's cool to like whatever you want. Personally i can't stomach Soul Asylum, but if you do, hey, that's fine by me.
  15. I voted for the 'Mats, but disappointed to see that the Feelies weren't on the list.
  16. if this happened I would have to stop liking Wilco.
  17. the ONLY good thing about Steely Dan is that they are named after a dildo
  18. the world is overcrowded. front porches are obsolete.
  19. I find it funny that many around her consider A.M. to be the band's worst, and then turning around to hope that they will reprise it. that said, I have never considered it to be their worst, and would love to see them reprise it.
  20. Danny Devito Gary Coleman Wierd Al Yankovic Dolly the sheep Scarlett Johansson
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