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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I want to get the new ones, but the price keeps me away. I wonder if The White Album poster will be censored this time around. Number 9, Number 9, Number 9....(article from No Depression)
  2. It's not something I would sit down and listen to for fun, but it is part of the album. The legal deal is a whole other trip. Of course, they supposedly worked things out in the years prior to John being killed. I have read a lot of Beatles books also. The first one I read was in 1977 or 78. That is all we have to go on - the books, and the stories that get handed down over time.
  3. That's a shame, really. They should have went original all the way.
  4. That is true. But, of course, John would not go for Eastman either. As a friend of mine use to say - it took all four of them to make the band. We all have our preferences, of course. I am not really a Paul fan, but in the context of The Beatles, he was needed to make the magic that they gave us.
  5. The other side of that is, of course, that Paul decided to run the show after Brian's death. I certainly don't believe him when he says anything nice about Yoko. They have been feuding for years. It is only when there is new money to be made that they seem to put aside their differences. Also - Jeff or anyone else can bad mouth Jay all they want, but Wilco would not be where they are without him. These are some good examples of why bands don't work as a democracy. Someone has to be in charge. But then, the rest of the dudes get tired of that - eventually.
  6. Paul is also a great revisionist. I have not read it, but I am not apt to go by what Paul says.
  7. There does seem to be a little something in each issue that may appeal to more of traditional rock fan. But still, those little bits are overwhelmed by the hype of the month. At least that is the way I see it. I suppose if I was a teenage girl (or whoever their fan base is), then I would be interested in reading about the Jonas Brothers. Rolling Stone has survived though, when a lot of other magazines have gone under. So I guess that is something. No surprise on Ginger Baker. All of those Cream dudes were ego maniacs. But - they are all masters musicians, so they can be that way.
  8. Oddly enough, I saw him on one of those Fox shows once. He was talking just like the character he played on 24 last season.
  9. So it looks like they are going with a new cop/medical show at 9, and then Jay at 10.
  10. I think they still try to put something in there to appeal to the older readers. I received RS for most of the past year due to buying a bunch of stuff at Amazon. Now, they are trying to get me to re-new my subscription. That is not going to happen. Not to long ago, they had a multiple page article/interview with that guy from American Idol. Although it was nice to see a long article, I don't think that guy is worthy of that much ink. Recently, there was an interview with Greg Allman in an issue, which was otherwise filled with Perez Hilton/TMZ/internet type articles. It stuck out like a so
  11. I can't think of the name of the show. Was it this one? Trauma OR I guess not, as this is a medical show.
  12. I am surprised NBC has not come up with a new version of ER/Third Watch to put in one of those time slots.
  13. That's what Lefsezt said the other day - why bother, as not many people have good stereos anymore, and the cd is dead. I don't think I will buy them due to the price.
  14. I still don't get that. Anyhow, we have a Ryan Adams thread where we beat that horse from time to time. If you guys kept track of the video posting that he was into for a while, you would see that made stuff up like that all the time. I suppose that one catches people's eye around here from time to time because he mentions Wilco. But - it you look at in the context of all the videos he made, you will see that it is no big deal.
  15. We'll see. So far, it does not really move me.
  16. Go to Google.com, and do a search using the term currency conversion.
  17. Looks like Jay is going to work (scary) blue.
  18. How did you get that photo of Ryan and Pat? That is pretty cool.
  19. If you click on the links there are prices listed.
  20. Chris Bell - I Am The Cosmos (Rhino Handmade link) As noted in the first post in this thread: Keep An Eye On The Sky (Boxed Set) (Rhino Handmade link)
  21. Woodstock Now & Then A documentary on the History Chanel - it came on at 8 pm.
  22. This is not showing up on the front page of Dead.net, but I found it anyway: Link
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