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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. If you do a Google search, you will find them in Mp3 an/or FLAC.
  2. Some of them do. Although, it is becoming a thing of the past. Best Buy carries boxsets, right next to the record albums they are now selling.
  3. I recall when the anthology series came out the cds were everywhere. I even saw them for sale in a supermarket. I may look to see if Walmart or Best Buy has them, as that is the only two places around here where I can go and buy cds (besides Target, which does not carry much beyond greatest hits cds). Of course, when the new Pearl Jam comes out, I will be going to Target.
  4. Go to Google, and put the following in the search box: Wilco Complete Singles. Or do a search in this section (Just A Fan), and you will find the information you are looking for.
  5. I suppose I overlooked your joke, and instead gave you a rock fact. Sorry.
  6. Brother John (1971) To Kill A Clown (1972) Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983)
  7. John often played harmonica with various bands around that time period. That is him playing harmonica on Roadhouse Blues (under the name G. Puglese).
  8. I have, but has been years and years ago. Maybe I should say that Band On The Run and Wings Over America are the two Paul albums I own and thus, am most familiar with. I have never really messed with any of The Beatles solo efforts that much. I have heard a lot of the albums over the years, but never really owned many of them. I suppose the one I do own, and have listened to the most is All Things Must Pass. Maybe someday they will all be available together in a gigantic boxset.
  9. I should say something positive about his post-Beatles career. I think Band On The Run and Wings Over America are great albums. I actually own those two. Wings Over America was also a film. It was called Rockshow. I believe it is out of print - but, it can be found if one looks for it. I have it on DVD. The whole film is actually on Youtube.
  10. I think he is in LA. When I first read about those shows, it led me read the sad news that Exene Cervenka had to share.
  11. Same thing, only no Van Halen members, but with a tendency to try and sound like Led Zeppelin.
  12. That was not the Chicago of today, but rather when they were actually a rock band.
  13. Bridget Polk (Berlin) had that cassette machine due to her association with Andy Warhol. He often taped everything going on around him. I would think it is going to be from one of these shows.
  14. They don't. But I guess sometimes someone gets one by them.
  15. No. Don't buy it. The person should be reported. These types of things should not be posted here. If you want to steal Wilco songs, they are out there to be had. There is no reason to pay someone to steal them for you.
  16. Oh, I am sure those are out there to be had also. It may be illegal, but I bet they are out there somewhere. We must remember that not all AUD tapes are inferior. Actually, most of them sound fine to me. Of course, I am use to hearing Wilco AUD tapes. The dynamics are of course differnet. I see your point though. One of the reasons they began selling live shows was to put a stop to people selling shows for lots of money. That is the one good thing about bands that allow their shows to be put up on BT sites and whatnot, it kills the need for someone to have to pay for a show. Unless they w
  17. The deal is you don't have to pay for AUD tapes. I have seen some recent Pearl Jam shows on bt.etree.org. I figure there is a Pearl Jam BT site out there somewhere. I would find that, and check there.
  18. Lost Season 6 Blog Looks like there is some information there, and some video. I have not really looked at any LOST stuff for a while. When I do, it is usually these two sites: Dark UFO Lostpedia
  19. Season ? Thread Season ? Thread Season ? Thread Season 2 Thread Season 3 Thread Season 4 Thread Season 5 Thread
  20. According to some books about Paul I have read, he was a pretty cold person emotionally. As I have said before, it is interesting to read some of those books, and then read the one he authorized to be published.
  21. I think we did that here once. I prefer John's songs, but as I have said before, it took all four of them.
  22. I have always thought that one could tell after listening to the songs, and studying the band for a while. I found some neat Beatles blogs the other day. I think John will always be seen as the heavy sarcastic one, and Paul has the friendly happy go lucky one. I know he tries to change that, but I think those views are too ingrained in the public view of them to be changed. I suppose a lot of it has to do with John's involvement in the War Resistance Movement, and the other sort of left-field things that he and Yoko did. When people think of him, they think of the guy who wrote Gimme S
  23. It's all good, as the kids say. I don't think I care much for the vocals in this and the other song.
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