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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. It's all in there - I always thought that was Pigpen. I wonder - as the voice does not sound familiar.
  2. I can't wait to hear this. There is also going to be a re-release of Dog Days - with bonus tracks. Banks of The Ponchartrain, Spring of '65 - good stuff.
  3. Yea - what was the deal with those people at the compound - sort of like the background people at the beach camp. An interview with Michael Emerson.
  4. I always liked that part where Phil is yelling at the crowd - and someone says, "Don't listen to him".
  5. Thanks again - What a great issue - multiple page articles on: The Old 97s, Blue Mountain, etc. I have never listened to Buddy Miller, but I sure have read a lot about him - thanks to this magazine. Also - I noticed in the Billy Bragg article, Billy mentioned that there are tracks that could be released as MA III. At leas they are going to keep the website going, and put out some books, at some point.
  6. Racing In The Street [Just because this is one of my favorite Bruce songs]
  7. Since we are now doing questions - 1. If Mr. H had inserted bluegrass/metal/jambands/etc. in place of rap - would there be this much uproar? I wonder.
  8. The Wrecking Crew What is the Wrecking Crew?
  9. Events-->Artist-->Jeff Tweedy-->Search button
  10. I would like to them do Mystery Man - which is a great song off of the first Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers album.
  11. I can't help but wonder if Ron coming back (after 20 some odd years) had something to do with this happening. It must have been an amazing experience for those guys - being called up to make an album after so many years had passed. Maybe Tom will keep Randall Marsh around to play drums with The Heartbreakers. So far, this album reminds me of Wildflowers/Echo. And the documentary - that had something to do with this -
  12. I like the sketch he did with Rachel Dratch - The Boston Teens.
  13. You have to be awesome to dodge machine gun spray - or important to the series. Screencaps - I never noticed all those symbols on the door.
  14. There was certainly some dark humor going on during the episode.
  15. Or do they just want us to think he did - since he went into some sort of stone tunnel and did something. I find it odd that it apparently did not get everyone - as that one dude will be in next week's episode.
  16. Some photos from the press conference. San Francisco Chronicle article by Regan McMahon New York Times article by Jesse McKinley Speaking of archives. . . Fox Theater - 10/18/1972
  17. We got our action and adventure tonight. The Smoke Monster - controlled by Ben? Interesting ending.
  18. Good fake out - it was not the people at The Temple shooting.
  19. Cory: J-Roc raps about gangsters & guns, pimps & hos and Compton. The guy's not from Compton, he's just a white kid from a trailer park. He should rap about what he really knows which is living in his mom's trailer eating peanut butter sandwiches. J-Roc's Mom: Jamie, how many 29 year old record company presidents operate out of their mom's trailers? Know what I'm sayin'? J-Roc: Believe it or not ma, some people think I'm gonna make it in this rap game!, know what I'm sayin'
  20. Brady Bunch episode and Bright Lights, Big City?
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