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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I still have some bicentennial stuff.
  2. Like Pearl Jam and Phish. If they offered FLAC files, then I would probably buy them. Although, I really only get shows that I have been to. Sometimes an AUD tape may sound better than a SBD.
  3. Bt.etree Tape City - was Boot City The Traders Den Dime A Dozen Pure Live Gigs
  4. Doh! I know - just joking you. It was a KISS year - that year.
  5. Since the bakery closed, I now get coffee every morning at a new coffee shop affiliated with a methodist church. They use beans from this place. It may be the most satisfying coffee I have ever had. Sometimes, the beans are still warm when the dude gets the packages via UPS. They have not tried to sell me salvation yet. If they did, I would rather have the whole robe, instead of a piece of one. I actually refuse to pay money for Mp3 files - so maybe Starbu$cks is on to something after all.
  6. Good point. I have this book at home - Backstreets: Springsteen the Man and His Music (I think that is the title) if you look in the back, there is the photo from inside the Nebraska sleeve, and then next to it, some photos from the BITUSA tour. The dude got rather big pretty fast.
  7. I think I actually don't mind Mr. Moonlight - at least the music is sort of neat.
  8. The Night Before, I Need You, Another Girl, You're Gonna Lose That Girl
  9. We have talked about this before - that show also used the Bruce Springsteen song Blood Brothers. I don't care for it.
  10. I did. But now - I feel as though I am disrespecting the person who started this thread. I can say no more.
  11. If you could find a clique to join here, it would help out your cause.
  12. Autumn Begins in Martins Ferry, Ohio by James Wright In the Shreve High football stadium, I think of Polacks nursing long beers in Tiltonsville, And gray faces of Negroes in the blast furnace at Benwood, And the ruptured night watchman of Wheeling Steel, Dreaming of heroes. All the proud fathers are ashamed to go home. Their women cluck like starved pullets, Dying for love. Therefore, Their sons grow suicidally beautiful At the beginning of October, And gallop terribly against each other's bodies.
  13. When we saw him a few month's ago he rushed past everyone to get on the bus - saying he had to leave to get his arm looked at. When we came by a few hours later, the bus was still there.
  14. I think this will be the first Wilco show I have missed in the area.
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